TEN | Unforgettable Memories | KV

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As Khaza sat, twisting one his multicolored locs, he slipped into a trance. A trance that took him back to when life was good for him, including Bailey and Reagan.


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On an April day......

Spread out over the vibrant green grass, sat contentedly on checkered covers, were families enjoying a lovely day at the park. There was even a tent pitched up for all the hungry adults and kids which consisted of various foods from sandwiches to barbecue, even homemade fried chicken.

The sounds of children playing and birds chirping filled Khaza's and Bailey's ears as he played with her in the sandbox which was located by the playground.

Khaza couldn't think of a better way than to spend his day off than with his daughter. Since work took up majority of his time, he wanted to make up that absence.

It overjoyed Khaza to see Bailey smiling and having a good time. Her chunky cheeks almost covered her eyes with all the giggling she was doing.

"Try to make one for daddy on your own." Khaza watched her gather up a handful of sand trying to shape it in a box form. He gently guided his hands, taking in some more sand to fill it out.

Her hands began to clap with excitement from the all the mini sand houses that her and Khaza were creating. The corners of his mouth started to form into a smile as he gazed upon Bailey interacting with him.

In that moment, it was like Khaza was on cloud nine, ten or maybe eleven. He couldn't help it. If he had to describe the feeling he was experiencing, euphoria would be the word.

"What y'all doing over here?" Reagan called out, taking a seat next to Khaza. "Hey mama, hey pretty girl." She cooed to Bailey causing her cheeks to turn a rosey red color.

"Teaching her how to build sand castles." He smiled, removing some sand that managed to get in her hair.

"Them sandcastles?" Reagan questioned. "I thought you had to have water to build them? That's probably why they look like that." She laughed.

Khaza smacked his lips. "Man look like what? They look straight to me, ain't that right lil mama?" He asked, turning to Bailey who was busy amusing herself with the sand.

"Baby I don't know what you looking at but them things look like igloos, brown igloos." Looking to Reagan, bright rays from the sun turned Khaza's brown eyes into a pure honey color.

"You really finna sit here and play me like that? Like I won't out-castle every kid in this park?"

Reagan covered her mouth snickering. "Khaza I'm not even finna go there with you cause you know them things don't look right then got my baby up here making them with you too."

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