SEVENTEEN | Reassurance | KV

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"Okay so I go to work tomorrow, Friday and Saturday." Aspen said to herself. She was currently looking over the work schedule for the week while she had the movie Moonlight playing in the background. That was one of her favorite films she could watch over and over again and never get tired of it.

She hadn't yet mentioned to Khaza about having a job. With everything happening regarding her situation with Angelo, it wasn't on Aspen's mind to bring it up.

After Aspen finished checking the schedule, she made a mental reminder to gather her work clothes out before going to bed, that way she wouldn't have to figure out her attire in the morning. If indecisive was a person, it'd be Aspen for sure.

For example: clothes. The girl would change her wardrobe in under minutes if you'd let her. The way outfits would plan out in her head were always cute but the second she puts them on, they didn't execute how she'd like which is why she'd constantly change her mind.

Aspen hopped off the bed, slipping both feet into her sherbet colored teddy bear house slippers. She then headed towards the closet, sliding back the door to reveal the variety of apparel to pick from.

"Knock knock." Aspen heard. She knitted her eyebrows as she turned her head towards the door. Once she realized who it was, a smile began to grow across her face with delight.

"What you doing lil folks?" Khaza inquired, entering the room and plopping down onto Aspen's bed. He had just finished up playing a few rounds of Mortal Kombat when he decided to come see what she was up to.

"Nothing really." Aspen shrugged, sorting through the hanging clothes. "Just getting my outfit ready for work." She stated, causing Khaza to jerk his head back in response.

"Work? When you get a job?" He asked, moving some of the stray locs away from his face. Khaza noticed it was getting time for another retwist which was something he'd set an appointment for soon.

"I've been working there for like six months." Aspen replied. "I never got around telling you cause ya know, that shit with Angelo had me stressing and unfocused."

Khaza nodded not really wanting to talk about Angelo. Honestly he hated when Aspen would bring his name up. Something inside Khaza made him cringe every time.

"So like what all you do at yo' job?"

The rubber-band that Aspen had around her wrist she took and pulled some of the soft locs that kept getting in her way into a ponytail.

"Well I do numerous of things. Where I work at, would be called something like a prestigious boutique but it's just a clothing store in my opinion. The only thing prestigious about it is the prices." Aspen laughed to herself.

The Cardinal.

Since nineteen forty-seven, the booming establishment had been known for providing top notch service, personalized styling, and a selection of vintage, timeless fashion with a modern twist.

While scrolling through social media, Aspen stumbled upon their hiring application. Based on the reviews, the store sounded like a great fit for her. Though Aspen desired an occupation that dealt with her college major, snagging a retail job was about the only work she could get for the time being until she graduated from college.

"Depending on how busy the day is, the manger will have me either work the register, hang up clothes or do directs which is me basically going out onto the floor and packaging away orders for customers." Aspen furthered explained, removing a jacket from one of the hangers.

"You lucky, I wish I could get a job. Everyday I'm on Indeed like it's Tiktok looking for something." Khaza said. "But I don't really be getting any calls just rejection emails." He huffed. Aspen paused, glancing over Khaza. She could see the frustration written on his face.

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