SIX | Listening And Learning | KV

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"Don't get me wrong son, what you did was indeed a good deed but bringing a stranger into someone else's home? I'm not even a woman and that seems a little skeptical to me."

Both Khaza and Ezra were sitting outside underneath the patio, enjoying the quiet beautiful morning. It was then when Khaza decided to tell his father about everything that happened previously with him, Aspen and Angelo.

"I get that pops but she didn't have anywhere else to go." Khaza shrugged, watching Ezra take a sip of coffee. "What I supposed to do? Leave her on the side of the road? Or trust that nigga wouldn't beat on her?"

Ezra took another sip of coffee before placing it down on the table beside him. "You could've gotten her a hotel room." He suggested. "And maybe followed up with her the next day."

"You gotta understand Khaza, things are way different in today's time especially for women. From getting taken advantage of or being ridiculed for anything little thing, not being heard, the list goes on. Like I said what you did was a good deed but you also have to take heed to that as well."

Khaza nodded his head. He really was taking in all the wisdom Ezra was giving him. In a way, Khaza didn't think about the situation as his father had put it. Yes, he figured Aspen wouldn't be eager to go home with him but he also didn't see the bigger picture until Ezra broke it down to him.

"I understand now." Khaza told Ezra who was now munching on a half eaten pepperoni hot pocket. He would buy them for Ezra when he didn't feel like making breakfast. Khaza really wasn't a breakfast person so a lot times he'd skip out on it.

"I guess cause I was in the heat of the moment, I wasn't thinking clearly. If I was in her shoes, I would've felt the same way, apprehensive. These niggas nowadays be on some other stuff. You should see how they act when a girl rejects them, pops I'm telling you, they start wilding."

Ezra picked up a napkin wiping away the crumbs from his mouth. "Wilding?" He repeated. "Well what the hell they be doing? I know it's not that bad now."

Khaza couldn't do anything but shake his head. "If only you knew. Something just recently happened where this girl didn't want to give this dude her number and he ended up killing her over that. All cause she didn't want to give her number to him."

Ezra jerked his head back in disbelief. "He killed her over that?" He asked with shock written on his face. "Something as simple as no gets these young boys mad to the point where they're taking innocent lives? I blame the parents and somewhat the internet for failing these boys."

Ezra disgustingly shook his head. He couldn't believe how badly things have gotten with the youth of today. It seemed like every last one of them was loosing their minds.

No type of guidance whatsoever was in their lives. It showed based of their actions and disrespect towards adults. Back in Ezra's days, if you even went as far as raising your voice, a whooping it was to your backside.

Nowadays, if you were to try that form of discipline, people would deem the parent as an abuser or go beyond and have the authorities get involved.

"It's crazy out here pops, that's why it's important to stay dangerous at all times."

Ezra chuckled. "Stay dangerous? What does that mean? I'm not a danger to anyone unless I'm provoked but other then, why stay dangerous?"

Khaza couldn't help but laugh at his father's confusion. Often times Khaza would forget Ezra wasn't of his generation so slang like that was foreign language to him.

"That's kinda what it means but it also means to always have your guard up around your surroundings and or people cause you never know what type of time somebody is on so it's best to stay dangerous." Khaza explained.

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