TWO | Back To What You Know | KV

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"I understand. Thank you for calling and letting me know. You have a good day."

Ezra had just arrived home after leaving from the funeral. He had decided to stay behind and help out with any damages that may have been caused by Khaza's and Sharif's quarrel.

It was embarrassing to say the least. Watching his son lash out at his granddaughter's funeral should have angered him but all he could feel was empathy.

Granted, Ezra wasn't just about to let that incident slide. Regardless of how Khaza felt, he should've mustered up some kind of professionalism for his daughter's funeral by tucking away any hard feelings towards Sharif.

That day was about her and in a blink of an eye, Khaza somehow twisted the whole thing upside down.

"I heard your car pull into the driveway." Khaza had showered and changed into a plain white-beater along with a pair of some Nike burgundy shorts. He made his way over to kitchen, pulling out a chair to sit in.

Ezra followed behind him, grabbing the mail that Khaza had bought in from the mailbox.

It was an awkward moment of silence present between the two men. Khaza sat at the kitchen table fiddling with the artificial cherry blossom branch that sat across from him.

Ezra didn't even wanna look at his son, just out of him not knowing how to come at Khaza. So many emotions were racing through his mind at a rapid speed.

"Pops I know what you're gonna say." Khaza spoke breaking the loud silence. "I admit fighting at Bailey's funeral was the upmost disrespectful thing but you gotta understand where that anger was coming from." He explained.

Ezra placed the mail he had in his hand down by the kitchen sink, finally adverting his gaze in Khaza's direction.

"Do you know who I just got off the phone with?" He asked causing Khaza to shake his head. "I just got done speaking with Sharif's doctor and she just told me that he has a broken nose, his left eye is severely swollen and a fractured jaw."

"Fuck." Khaza cussed under his breath. He knew he did a little damage on Sharif but he didn't think he wild out like that.

"Wait." Ezra held a finger up. "To keep you from going to prison for assault, I agreed to pay all the hospital bills. Do you know how much those hospital bills are?"

"No sir." Khaza responded. He knew his father was pissed off by hearing the calmness coming from his voice.

"Eight thousand dollars." Khaza's body immediately slumped down in the chair after hearing what Ezra just said to him.

"It was ten thousand but somehow I got Sharif and his people to settle with eight thousand. That's still a high price but it was the best I could do."

"Pops, saying I'm sorry doesn't even begin to fix this problem, that I know. I just don't know what took over me. It was like I wasn't even in my body."

Ezra pinched the bridge of his nose stressed. "Khaza I don't know what or how to approach this situation honestly. I should be cussing yo' ass out right now but I feel like that wouldn't do any good, the damage today has already been done and nobody can go back to change it."

"I admit I shouldn't have let Sharif get to me like that but seeing the smirk on his goofy ass face after basically saying he was a better father to Bailey sent me over the edge."

Ezra usually didn't allow Khaza to curse in front of him despite him being grown, it's a respect thing. But due to the unexpected news that was just laid on his son, Ezra allowed it.

Getting on Khaza for cussing around him was the least of his problems.

"Son I get your frustrations but Khaza, you cannot let your anger get the best of you every time. You and I both know you have an anger issue which you do nothing about to control it."

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