FOURTEEN | Getting To Know You (PART 2) | KV

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Letting y'all know now.....

Letting y'all know now

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Later that night....

Bright flashes of lightening mixed with the roaring booms of thunder shook the window pane coming from Khaza's bedroom window. The patters of rain hitting the glass could be heard, sounding like small taps. Khaza who laid positioned on his back, turned his head, facing the storm that was taking place outside.

Times like this Khaza had a love/hate relationship for. Thunderstorms weren't his cup of tea but in a way, it relaxed him. Sounds of rain didn't help his sleeping problem like it did for everybody else but the whole aesthetic of it bought him some type of serenity.

Khaza just laid there, listening to the click-clacking sounds the rain gave off. Suddenly, that state of serene was disrupted when the creaking of his bedroom door could be heard opening.

Khaza turned his head away from the window, to the entrance of his doorway. Standing there hugging herself, was a frightened Aspen.

"You good Aspen?" His groggy voice asked. "Did something happen, are you okay?"

"Yeah." She replied. "I'm alright, it's just I don't do so well with lightening storms. It triggers my anxiety sometimes." Aspen explained.

Every since Aspen was a child, her fear of storms had progressed rather rapidly as she grew into adulthood. Rainstorms didn't bother her at all cause it'd just be rain but lightning and thunder specifically had an unhealthy impact on her.

If she even felt the change in the weather, Aspen would prepare in advance by staying up to date with weather information but it simply slipped away from her because of schoolwork and Angelo.

"I'm sorry to hear that love." Khaza genuinely expressed. "What is it that you usually do to calm yourself?"

Aspen shrugged. "Nothing really. I just sit in distress until it's over with."

A quick flash followed by a loud, banging cracking of thunder caused Aspen to leap out of fright. Without thinking, she found herself cowering under the soft, comfy covers of Khaza's bed.

"Damn mamas, that shit scared you like that?" Khaza hadn't never seen anybody be that jumpy over some thunder, it really did surprise him.

"I told you it's my anxiety." Aspen said to him once again. "I'm sorry for jumping in your bed like that and disturbing you. I'll just go back to mine." She began removing the sheets from her body, slightly embarrassed. That was the last thing Aspen wanted to do was show her awkwardness in a way.

"Nah you good, you good." Khaza insisted, motioning Aspen to stay. "I wasn't trying to say it like that, you weren't disturbing me. It's not like I was getting any sleep no way."

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