TWELVE | Comforter (PART 2) | KV

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Later that evening....

"Khaza, I'm nervous." Aspen said, grabbing his forearm. The two of them, along with the local police, had just arrived outside of Angelo's apartment complex. Aspen knew he was there because she could see the Cherry Red Dodge Challenger parked over in the parking lot of the complex.

Khaza could feel the grip that Aspen held onto him get tighter. He also could feel her short frame move closer to him, as if she was trying to hide.

That kinda broke Khaza a little bit to see her cower like that, damn near trembling in fear. Just being present in the complex alone was too overwhelming for Aspen. It was like her body was naturally reacting in that way, something that was out her control.

"Babygirl it's aight." Aspen anxiously sighed while her hands still held onto to Khaza. "You ain't got nothing to be scared of, not while you with me." He calmly spoke.

Aspen then removed her grasp from Khaza. "What if Angelo gets to me and tries to hurt me? Whose to say he won't get past the police and try something? He almost killed me last time, what would prevent him from doing it again this time?"

Aspen was so spooked, she began fidgeting around with her fingers. It was an awful thing she'd sometimes do out of nervousness.

She couldn't help it though. Aspen was just inches away from the very person who literally almost ended her life. Her nerves were shot along with her emotions that were running rampant like wildfire inside her mind.

"Look at me Aspen." Khaza gently grabbed her hands, making her stare into his deep drown eyes. "I promise you ain't shit about to happen to you. Regardless if the police were here or not, me and Hazel, that FN you saw earlier, would've taken care of his goofy ass."

While looking into his eyes, Aspen could see the gentleness of them. Like she could actually feel the worry leave her body.

Her face softened, letting a small smile appear. "You promise nothing will happen? I don't want you to possibly get hurt either." She shook her head.

Khaza released Aspen's hand, holding his pinky up. "I pinky promise you nothing will happen to me or you especially." His voice carried a soft yet serious tone. "Okay mamas?"

He remembered how Aspen made him pinky promise earlier. Khaza made sure to mentally remember that gesture because he felt like that was Aspen's way of taking situations seriously and it reassured her in a better way.

Aspen nodded, wrapping her pinky finger around his. "Okay." She replied above a whisper. She still had some worries and was a bit concerned but having Khaza there by her side gave Aspen a sense of safety.

Once Aspen felt sure enough, she directed the police to where Angelo's apartment was located which was at the ground floor of the complex. She didn't want to have to face him if she didn't have to so Aspen let the authorities handle it from there.

Khaza decided to stay behind with Aspen, his protective mode immediately activating. Of course Khaza wasn't going to allow anything or anyone to hurt Aspen, especially not in his care.

He absolutely was not bothered nor was he stressing over Angelo, he didn't pose as a threat to Khaza. Aspen had her reasons to be on edge but even then Khaza wasn't sweating nothing.

Especially with his trusted FN by his side, Khaza had no worries at all. And even if he didn't have his heat on him, Khaza had no problem giving Angelo another ass whooping like he once did before.

"Angelo Little. It's the local police, we need you to open your door for us sir." The policeman by the name of Cyrus, banged on the Black Flush Wood Veener door.

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