SIXTEEN | Let Em' Know | KV

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A few days had gone by since Khaza and Aspen shared that intense, passionate kiss, leaving the both of them with lingering thoughts and mixed feelings.

Neither one hadn't really sat down to discuss the depth of that situation. Whenever Khaza would try to approach Aspen about it, she'd brush him off or quickly change the subject.

Which was something Khaza could sympathize with. A lot of the emotions he was feeling, probably were the same exact things Aspen was going through as well.

Scared. Uncertain. Confused. Euphoric. Exhilarated.

Khaza honestly couldn't blame her for acting standoffish. After what she's been through with Angelo, her actions were justifiable. Angelo had soiled so much of Aspen's personality and her aura. Made her look at men and relationships in general differently.

It's hard to keep faith in things such as that when you have a person who's going out of their way on a daily basis to belittle and defame you. Previous guys Aspen did date weren't half as bad as Angelo. They were the typical average dudes: wasting time just for sex which was something Aspen had no intention on partaking in.

Khaza didn't know everything about Aspen's past relationships but from what she has mentioned and seeing the toxicity from Angelo with his own eyes, it wouldn't be surprising if Aspen never cared to speak of the kissing situation.

"Bet fifty I get this five ball inside the side pocket." Khaza lowered his body, focusing his attention onto the white ball that was in front of him.

After making his last rounds for Bishop, Khaza wanted to release some tension and stress by lounging out at the local pool hall. He was good friends with the owner, TC, whom he was playing against.

"Fifty? I'll raise you sixty." TC reached inside his back pocket, pulling out the burgundy leather wallet. "That's an impossible shot to make." The older male said, sliding his glasses back onto his face.

Khaza smirked, steadying the pool stick. Even with all the chatter surrounding him from other nearby people, he was able to tune it out. Music that played from the jukebox also served a part in his steady hand. Music overall helped him when having to do anything. Wether it was cleaning, cooking, or just chilling.

Khaza sat his index finger on top of the stick slightly curving it then placing his thumb towards the bottom of it. He lined the pool tip up with the cue ball, perfectly centering it.

Soon as his aim was to his liking, Khaza hit away at the cue ball. Both him and TC watched the pale ball roll it's way over to the orange five ball, spiraling right into the side pocket of the pool table.

"Ain't this 'bout a bitch." TC groaned. Khaza smiled showing off the shiny grillz he sported. They danced so brightly under the lights, it was like a light show inside his mouth.

"TC you should've known better than to bet me. Did you forget you were the one who taught me the ins and outs of pool?"

"Shit. It's so many of you youngins running up to me about pool and the knowledge behind it, I didn't think y'all actually be listening." TC chuckled, laying the pool stick on top of the table. Khaza did the same placing it besides TC.

"You know I always take heed to what you say, you're like a sensei when it comes to this pool shit." Khaza praised the gentlemen before him. He walked around the pool table until he was standing in front of TC.

"Well I appreciate that Khaza. It's not too many youngsters out here that'll take the time out to listen to an old-head like myself. Here's that sixty you earned fair and square."

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