ELEVEN | Comforter (PART 1) | KV

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"Khaza." Aspen called out to him. She rolled her eyes, frustrated because he wouldn't budge. "Khaza." She repeated with more sharpness to her voice.

"What?" He groaned with his eyes still closed.

"Get up sleepyhead, it's a whole new day." Aspen said walking over to the white cream colored curtains. She then went onto pulling the them open, with the sun shining brightly on Khaza.

Khaza immediately began fluttering his eyes open while using his hand to block out the beaming sun. He was kind of out it, not even knowing it was the next day.

Khaza couldn't remember the last time he actually slept through the night. Usually he would stay asleep for a few hours then abruptly wake up, unable to go back to sleep.

He grabbed his phone that laid next to him, checking the time. It read twelve o'clock on the dot, which meant it was early in afternoon.

"Damn." He cussed. "I slept that long? Why you didn't wake me up?" Khaza questioned Aspen. He hopped out of bed, stretching his body.

Aspen who was now sitting in the all black Papasan Chair, took that moment to gaze upon Khaza's bare upper body. Only thing he had on was a pair of basketball shorts and some black socks to keep his feet warm.

Her eyes roamed all over his body, admiring the many tattoos that were punctured into Khaza's skin. The light given off by the sun kissed his golden brown skin ever so lovely. Along with the frizziness from his hair, which complimented the look of his locs overall.

It was as if Aspen was in a daze that she couldn't bring herself to break from. She didn't even notice she was staring at him until the two of them made eye contact.

"What you staring at me for gang?" Khaza asked. His low raspy voice sent an immediate rush of chills through her body.

Which in return, caused a nervous smile to began forming on her face. "I wasn't looking at you Khaza." She lied. Aspen couldn't tear her eyes away from him a few seconds ago.

"Yes you was, I caught you doing it." Aspen shook her no, still denying it. "You don't gotta lie, I know I look good, I don't blame you shorty."

Aspen fell quiet for a second, prompting Khaza to take notice of her reaction. He looked over from the closet he was now at, seeing her slightly nod her head.

"You think I'm fine Aspen?" Khaza tilted his head, letting some his locs swing in his face.

Aspen instantly looked up, blindsided by that question. "Huh?" She could feel her cheeks began to burn from being put on the spotlight like that.

"If you can huh, you can hear mamas." Khaza told her, running his tongue over his lips. Aspen could feel her body tense up just from the way he spoke her.

"Uhh.. I uhhh..."

Khaza smirked to himself, secretly enjoying the way Aspen was getting all timid and nervy like. He had been noticed she was kind of on the shy side which was something he found oddly attractive.

For what reason, Khaza didn't know. It was just something about seeing a girl all bashful made him intrigued. It was always something so mysterious and interesting about them that made Khaza go crazy.

And besides, he loved to tease.

"So you think I'm ugly?"

"What? No, of course not. I apologize if that's how my answer came off. I just was caught off guard by it."

"You good lil folks." Khaza chuckled. "I was just fucking with you." He slyly grinned. Khaza knew exactly what he doing by messing with Aspen, toying with her if you will.

Which sent Aspen's nervous system in a frenzy because truthfully she did find Khaza attractive, I mean who wouldn't. His facial features were just gorgeous, top tier face to have. Not to mention that stunning smile he had. The man was just alluring.

"Right." Aspen simply said.

For a few seconds, the chatter between them had ceased. Khaza was occupied rummaging through his closet, looking for something to wear for the day while Aspen sat quietly fiddling with the ends of her soft locs.

"Um Khaza, there is something I need your help with." Aspen stated. Khaza stared at her, waiting for her to continue. "But you have to pinky promise me you will not get upset."

Khaza hated for a person to say that to him, knowing whatever that's about to said will in fact piss him off but for Aspen, he'd very much keep his word.

He tossed the many clothes that hung from his arm, over onto the bed. Khaza then seated himself on the bed, positioning his body in front Aspen.

"I pinky promise to you that I'm not gon' get mad." Khaza said, locking his pinky finger with Aspen's.

"Okay." She sighed before preparing her thoughts. "I have to go back to Angelo's."

Slowly closing his eyes, Khaza let out an irritated breath. His agitation had nothing to do with Aspen but Angelo. Khaza hadn't even heard her reasoning yet as to why she needed to go there and he was already against it.

"Go back for what Aspen?"

"It's my laptop, I need it for my classes that I'm currently enrolled in. I didn't think about it until now. With all the shit that's happened, it wasn't on my mind."

"I know you're fed up with Angelo, hell I am too but if you could do this for me, I wouldn't have to worry about him anymore. All my possessions are still with him, that's the only thing keeping me tied to him. Aspen explained.

Khaza just sat silently, trying to gather his thoughts. It was too many what if scenarios running through his mind, the endless possibilities of Aspen's safety being jeopardized weighted heavily on him.

"Aight." He spoke breaking the silence. "Ima say this first, I 'preciate you for coming to me instead of just going over there by yourself." Aspen nodded, intently gazing upon Khaza.

"Secondly." He continued. "We handling things my way." Khaza said, hopping up from the bed.

"What you mean your way?" Aspen wondered. Khaza ignored her question as he went back to the closet.

Aspen could see him extend his arms on the top shelf, pulling what looked like a black case towards him. She watched Khaza open that same case, taking out his trusty FN Five Seven MRD, micro red dot.

"No Khaza, absolutely not." Aspen protested. "If this is what you mean by doing things your way then I'll just go without you."

"Aspen chill out. I'm not going over there to kill that nigga, I should but that's not my intention." Khaza placed the sandy brown gun back into it's case.

"So what was the point of you pulling that out and getting my blood pressure all high."

Khaza couldn't help but to laugh from the expression Aspen had on her face. He had an hunch that she'd probably react that way, mainly why he did it.

"Just to admire it." He smirked, causing Aspen to roll her eyes. "Nah but for-real, I was thinking we could like get the police to escort us over there." He shrugged.

"Whattt?" Aspen dragged. "You suggestion law enforcement? I'm kinda surprised by that cause I didn't take you as the type to go that route."

"I don't fuck with the police but I'm thinking about how shit could potentially could go down if authorities ain't present." Aspen fell silent, observing the serious tone Khaza had in his voice.

"So what I'm 'bout to do is take a shower and throw on some clothes. When I get dressed, we can leave aight? That's cool with you mamas?"

"Yeah." Aspen blushed, causing her cheeks to turn a slightly pinkish color. "And Khaza." She paused, gaining his attention. "Thank you."

"You don't gotta thank me." Khaza told. "I told you I got you."


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