THREE | What Other Options? | KV

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Misty lady, set my spirits free. New love to find and though I leave another behind."

Lost in his own world, Ezra had gotten up early to start the day. After all the chaos that happened the day before, he needed a reset. What better way to do that than with breakfast.

He sang along to tune of The Isley Brothers Voyage To Atlantis while mixing a thing of flour, milk and eggs into a bowl to create a concoction of pancakes.

"Khaza." He yelled. "Come on down here boy and eat. These pancakes cook quick, you won't have to wait too long."

Usually, Khaza would be the first one in the kitchen. He'd never miss the chance to chow down on his father's famous pancakes.

Ezra wasn't too fond of making his way around the kitchen but he wanted to do something to try to cheer up Khaza which was why he had gotten up early to cook.

"Khaza." Ezra repeated. He took a peek at the time from his watch which read eleven twenty-five. "I know this boy not ignoring me." He said aloud.

By that time, Ezra had set the table but there was still no sign of Khaza. That's when Ezra decided to leave the kitchen in search of his son.

On his way up the stairs, Ezra noticed the door to Khaza's room was closed. At first he didn't think nothing of it because the door was closed and no lights were on but just when Ezra was about to turn away, he heard what seemed like crying from the other side.

"Khaza?" Ezra knocked. "You okay son?" When he didn't respond back, that's when Ezra took it upon himself to slowly open the door entering the room.

"Khaza is everything okay? I heard crying coming from in here."

Quickly, Khaza wiped his face from the tears that streamed down his cheeks staining his shirt. "I'm good pops." He sniffed. "I'll be down in a minute."

Ezra stepped in further closing the door behind him. "What's wrong? Are you okay? Did something happen?"

The tears that Khaza so desperately tried to hold in, came bursting out when his father asked if he was okay.

"Khaza talk to me, what's wrong?" Ezra asked as he took a seat next to him on the bed.

Slowly, Khaza slid over an wrinkled up colored picture that had a newborn baby and Khaza himself smiling on it.

When Ezra picked the picture up, it seemed like so many emotions started to hit him all at once; sadness, anger, happiness, joy.

"I miss her." Khaza sniffed. Ezra didn't utter a word as he continued to look at the picture that was now ripping a hole in his heart, if there already wasn't one.

The picture Ezra held was of Khaza and Bailey. The smile Khaza had on his face that day, you could've sworn he hit the lottery. When that picture was taken, Bailey was so little, she could fit in the palm of your hand.

Khaza was overjoyed with excitement about being a new and first time father. A bit nervous because he didn't know anything about fatherhood but Ezra stepped in and taught him the ways of being a parent.

Little did they know how much the little girl would have them wrapped around her fingers. When Khaza and Ezra wasn't arguing about who could hold Bailey, they were catering to her every need.

If she even sneezed, the pair would run around the house senselessly wiping down counters, tables, vacuuming carpets. Whatever caused Bailey discomfort, Khaza and Ezra it was eliminated.

"It's crazy how I still remember this day." Khaza chuckled. "This was the day I had feed her too much and I didn't have time to come back home to change so I made due."

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