Chapter 35

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Sorry for taking so long. This chapter ended up getting pretty tricky to maneuver around, especially towards the end. I pretty much had a draft done, but then I felt like I wanted the last interactions to be deeper and better written. I got to a point, though, where I felt like I was taking too long and decided to just get this out cause. I may end up changing this chapter a lot later on, but for now, here it is

UPDATE: As I now have a decent idea of how I want to end this story off, I think it's appropriate for me to say that there will be a level of bullshit that is not consistent (at least probably since I haven't done enough digging to find out) with the Marvel universe. Unfortunately, I wrote myself so far down a hole a few years back that I can't figure out a way to keep this consistent with Marvel cannon while still keeping true to what my original goal was with this and also not include a bunch of cheap "cameos" that make zero sense. Basically, from now on, this is still a "fanfic" on Gwiles that is creating completely original lore...


...What the fuck am I even doing...


The sharp light of the moon that pierced the cold darkness of the night would eventually be replaced by the mellow, warm light of the shining sun. The gloomy interior of the Morales apartment would soon transform into a place of vibrancy and light.

A groggy Miles began to stir after getting several hours of more sleep than he had gotten during the past weeks. The smell of spices, rice, eggs, and fresh herbs wafted its way into Miles's nose. The sharp crackles of bacon and eggs being fried to perfection acted as his alarm clock for the day. Miles slowly opened his eyes and would awaken to the sight of his mother scurrying around the kitchen, preparing breakfast for the small family. Despite all the noise of clanging pots, scraping bowls, and loud frying, there still seemed to be a method behind the madness. A sense of calmness within the chaos could be seen as Rio cooked a breakfast that seemed to always produce a perfect bite throughout all the years without fail.

Miles felt a wave of guilt as he watched his mom cheerfully maneuver through her cooking. Throughout all the chaos he had been going through, he never really shared much with his parents until after the fact. His mom must be worried sick every time she has to watch her son swing out of a window, wondering if it'd be the last time she sees him. Cooking could be the one thing that gives her a sense of control and calm in the middle of all the chaos and worry she lives through every day now. Her one way of being able to support her son through all his troubles, no matter how insignificant as it may seem. Miles, still half asleep, slowly got up from the couch and made the walk over to the bathroom.

"Morning mi hijo!" Rio said brightly when she caught eye of Miles finally waking up. It was almost like the half dead, exhausted person that he saw last night was kidnapped and replaced by an energetic identical twin.

"Morning, Mamie." Miles sleepily said, stifling a yawn. The waking hero made his uninspiring trog over to the bathroom. The warm sunlight flooding the apartment gently kissed his tired skin, a stark contrast from the chilly gloom that covered the walls just several hours earlier.

At a pace that seemed to be at half the speed of reality, Miles went through his usual morning routine. The scrubbing of a toothbrush applying a messy slab of toothpaste almost grinded at his waking ears. The cool spray of water slapped at his beaten skin. When he was finally finished, Miles grudgingly walked out and over to his bedroom, silently wondering if he could avoid the further confusion that would likely be waiting for him as soon as he opened that door and met Gwen #2 if he simply avoided her. Despite these reservations, Miles summoned up the motivation to open his bedroom door and greet Gwen.

However, the short haired, blonde girl was nowhere to be seen in his bedroom. Instead, what greeted him was the sight of his normal, empty bedroom that Miles had been accustomed to see. Everything was in the exact same clutter as he had left it when he left her to her own in there. Everything except for his bed where there seemed to be an attempt at being made, though a very failed attempt as the sheets were almost crumpled towards one corner. His bedroom window was also open, allowing a gentle breeze to flow into his messy room. Miles ran up to the window and closed his eyes in frustration. "Cmon Gwen." He muttered. He quickly put on the black and scarlet red suit that he had just removed and dove out the window.

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