Chapter 21

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Miles and Miguel continued to race against the clock as they searched for their beloveds among the crowd of illusions. However, 10 minutes had already passed and Miguel knew that soon, he and Miles may need to face the brutal truth that they may never get to see the women that they loved ever again. Miles didn't seem to think about that and kept shoving away illusion after illusion in search of his beloved angel.

But they never found them despite their hard efforts and soon, there were only 4 minutes until the world would explode.

Then only 3 minutes left.


The duo continued to search.

The time came down to 1 minute and Miguel knew that it was too late.

"Miles!" He called out. "We have to go!"

Miles turned at him with his face fill of rage. "What do you mean we have to go?! I'm not leaving Gwen behind!"

"Miles! The whole planet is going to explode in a minute! We have to go now!"

"I told you, I'm not leaving her here!" Miles' voice began to crack.

45 seconds

Miguel took a deep breath and placed his hand on Miles. "Look kid, I know you love her. I love Cindy too, but they're both strong and smart women. There's a chance they may have been able to get out of here but that won't mean a damn if we sit here and explode into smithereens."

Miles stayed silent for a minute then shoved his shoulder away. "I'm going to find them with whatever time we have left. With your help or not." Miles continued to search for the two.

"The kid is insane" Miguel muttered. He took out a needle that contained tranquilizer in case of emergencies and this definitely seemed like one.

He sneaked up to Miles and stabbed him with the needle and quickly injected him with the tranquilizer before Miles could react. Miles soon fell unconscious as Miguel looked at him with a broken heart but knew he needed to hurry.

"I'm sorry Miles." He said with his voice cracking and picked up the body.

15 seconds

Miguel opened a portal and put one foot into it but looked back at the world that was about to explode.

"I'm sorry Gwen, Cindy, I've failed you all." He felt tears begin to fall as the world around him began to explode. He put his other foot into the portal and closed it.

"I love you Cindy. Please forgive me of my failure." Miguel pleaded and began to break down.

Miguel felt all the emotions come at him at once. The sadness and anger felt like it would rip him apart into shreds.

He missed her already. He missed how she was so easy to talk yet sometimes made it so hard with just her stunning beauty. He missed the comfort he felt by just being with her. He missed the way she had him open up to her. And all of that was gone. Forever. The pure happiness he had for such a short period of time was gone and he could never get it back.

He heard a small groan behind him and turned to see Miles starting to wake up.

"Where are we?" He groaned.

"Back at my dimension." Miguel simply replied with as clear of a voice as he could speak with.

"Whay are we..." Miles suddenly leaped at Miguel. "WHY DID YOU LEAVE THEM BEHIND?" He demanded.

"The whole place was about to explode. I'm not going to let you die like that."


"Miles relax." Miguel tried to stay as calm as he could but his emotions kept torturing him.


"Miles don't be stupid."

"How could you give up faith? You loved Cindy. How could you not have faith that they could still be alive?"

"I DO! BUT I'M NOT LIVING MY LIFE IN FEAR THAT YOU COULD DIE TOO!" Miguel started to break down again. "My life has been full of heartbreak and I can't stand to take another from my friend dying."

Miles stayed silent for a while until he opened a portal to his dimension. "I'm going to look for them." He stepped through it before Miguel could respond. Miles started to swing as anger took over him. He wasn't mad at Miguel anymore, he was furious at Mysterio and what he did. And Miles made sure that he was gonna make him pay.

Mysterio stood and looked over the scorched surface of the planet. In the distance, he could see a man approaching him. Mysterio waited until the man reached him. The man dropped two pieces of white and black fabric. Mysterio took the pieces in his hand and examined them.

When he finished examining them, he looked at the man and asked, "So, you took care of them?"

The man nodded. "Yes, Spider-Gwen and Silk are gone and will no longer be a threat to your plans, Mysterio."


"So, can I have my freedom now? Can I go back to my earth?"

Mysterio looked at him. "Yes indeed, you may now have your freedom, Tony Stark." He snapped his fingers and suddenly, a drone appeared behind Tony and shot him.

"Enjoy the freedom. Now, let's see what secrets you've been keeping on Miles that you've been keeping from me."

Mysterio bent down and pulled out a flash drive from Tony's pockets.

Mysterio smiled. "Today, the extermination, begins."

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