Chapter 29

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I am always in control

I am always in control

I am always in control

The phrase kept repeating over and over in his mind, haunting every cell in Miles's body. The voice alone in his head that said those chilling words felt like ice daggers cutting deep into his soul. His breath quickened and he started shaking uncontrollably. Chills ran down his spine and wind began beating down on his back.

The room faded away and turned into an endless pit of black. Everyone who was just hugging him were gone, removing any bit of warmth he just felt and there was now only coldness. Coldness and darkness.

"W-where am I?" He almost whimpered. He felt terrified. Nothing felt right and nothing could be seen.

"This," A raspy voice spoke from behind him. Miles turned to see a barely visible outline of a floating figure that was wispy all around it. Red eyes glared from the head and stared deep into his soul. "is my world. My home."

"What are you?"

"I am everything and nothing. I am everywhere and nowhere. Visible and invisible. I am Shadow."

"W-what do you want from me?" Miles stammered. His fear was still rising. He couldn't summon up any sense of bravery as the whole place seemed to be made for fear and dread.

"Judgment. For your sins." It slithered. Its head lunged forward at the last word and bared its teeth at him. Miles leapt back from it and fell. He crawled away from it as its hands slowly pushed it towards him. It outstretched its hand and a lone finger slowly moved to touch his face. Miles's face burned from the touch as if it were touching acid. He winced from the pain but made no noise. "Precious." It whispered

"What... what do you mean?"

"Body." It said. "Precious."

"No." Miles scrambled away from Shadow and got up. "Get away from me!"

Shadow laughed and it transformed back into the tall figure he saw back in the void. He could see it clearly now. Wisps of darkness came up and blew away all over his body. Shadowy muscles rippled all over. But what scared Miles the most was all the spikes. Each so sharp and deadly and located at places where they could easily be used as a lethal weapon.

"There is no running." Its voice back to the terrifying booming noise that would haunt Miles for the rest of his life. "I will be everywhere, and I will be everything. I am always in control." Another head suddenly appeared next to Shadow's. It was the head of a much more human head but still had the hauntingly red eyes.

"We are always in control." The two heads said together.

The whole world began to start spinning around Miles. Air whistled in his ears and the ground spun beneath him as he tumbled on it, trying to regain his balance. And in the middle of all the chaos were those eyes. Those blood red eyes that ravaged his soul and made everything ice cold.

The black slowly faded away and was replaced by white. Not white that was warm and brought warmth, just sterile, blinding white. He was back in the hospital and was enveloped in a tight hug by a few people.

No, not people, images. This is all Mysterio's doing isn't it?

But as he looked at the people hugging him he didn't feel any danger, he just felt a lounging to hug them back and be with them. His parents looked so happy to see him. His mom had tears of joy slowly coming down and his dad had a wide grin of happiness plastered on him.

And her.


His beautiful angel. How he missed her so much and how he just wanted to touch her hand even the slightest just to feel some light return.

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