Chapter 28

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Miles was surrounded by darkness. The only thing he could see were the red lines along his suit and the only thing he could hear was his heavy breathing.

"Where are you Mysterio?" He called out. "I know you're here, so show yourself!"

An evil laugh boomed around him, racking his nerves to the very core and making him fall to the ground in shock. The man in the green suit and domed helmet appeared in front of him, the laugh seeming to echo from his very body.

"Back already Miles? Didn't know you missed me that much."

"I don't miss you." Miles spat. "I just want to make sure you're gone for good."

Mysterio gasped and stepped away in mocked shock. "And here I thought you'd at least be at least hospitable. Aren't you even wondering how I've survived old friend?"

"I'm not your friend, and I don't care how you got out. It just gives me the chance to kill you myself."

"So be it." Mysterio floated away and giant walls took his place and surrounded Miles, each piece rising and falling and shifted into another place. "But you'll have to catch me first." The laugh once again booming out loud as he flew away into the darkness.

Miles shot a web up to try to swing over the walls but as he rose up, a gigantic Mysterio head popped out right in front of him. "Boo!" Mile's yelled in fright and lost his grip on the web, causing him to drop down onto the floor. He tried to shoot another web but nothing came out. He looked back at his wrists and saw that his web shooters were no longer there. "You're in my world now. My world, my rules. No webs."

Miles growled in frustration but began making his way to the labrinyth. At first the maze looked daunting, each piece cutting off any path that Miles was taking and putting him in a dead end. Soon, however, Miles figured out the solution. All he had to do was stay on one course to the end, wait for an opening, then continue until he reached the end.

"Is this what you call a challenge? Come put here and face me already bubble head!" Miles exited the maze but suddenly fell into a pit of darkness. He was falling with no end in sight. Darkness once again surrounded him everywhere as air whistled past his ears.

Laughter boomed everywhere. The air around him suddenly feeling as if they were made by the sound itself and slammed into his eardrums. "There is no challenge! There is only madness! Madness and defeat! This whole thing was a trap. Just to lure you in and drive you into insanity forever!"

Stress and insanity broke into Miles's mind. He squirmed as every ounce of sanity left him. All that was left was madness. Memories that used to bring him happiness flooded in but were now making him feel furious. Confusion soon came over as he wondered why he felt the way he did.

"WHAT'S HAPPENING TO ME?" He cried out. The pressure of the stress and madness came bearing down on him as he felt tears forming.

"This is what I feel every time I lay eyes on your pathetic, happy face. Every time, since the collider incident!"

Miles gasped out in pain as his insides started to feel as if they were shifting from what was happening in his brain. All of this confusion, madness, and pain shouldn't be able to affect him like this yet every ounce of pain was real. "W-what do you mean?"

Mysterio began laughing now. Not an evil, maniacal laugh that boomed all around, but a calm, yet taunting laugh that made goosebumps form all over Miles's body. "I've been watching you. The whole time. Almost every day since the collider happened."

"H-how?" Miles struggled to even get the word out as his brain was barely functioning. The madness that was crushing him was driving him of any clear thought.

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