Chapter 15

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Small warning, there's There's a little bit of some mature content in this chapter. They're when Morlun talks to Miles and when Miguel talks to Cosmic if you wanted to skip them. Now, let's get into it!
"Let's fight." Miles muttered.

The Inheritors suddenly split up and surrounded Miles and began to attack him. Verna sent her hounds to attack his legs while the twins used a whip to trap his body. Jennix held him still so he couldn't escape. Daemos walked over and was about to crush Miles with his hammer but was blown away by a blast of electricity from Miles. Miles then released a shockwave which blew all of the Inheritors away and knocking all but Daemos out cold.

"Get rid of the fancy light show and fight me the real way!" He shouted at Miles as he threw his hammer away. "You're nothing but a weakling without it!"

Let's see about that. Miles thought as his aura of electricity disappeared and got into a fighting stance.

Daemos ran towards Miles and was about to grab him by the head but Miles quickly jumped behind him and webbed his face and pulled him towards the ground. He quickly got up and threw a punch towards him but Miles dodged it and countered with his own punch. He threw a uppercut towards his jaw and heard a satisfying cracking before he saw Daemos fly backwards. Miles was satisfied after he saw that he was out cold and was about to walk back towards his friends who all began to get up when a blue portal suddenly appeared and disappeared revealing Morlun who looked stronger and angrier than the last time Miles saw him.

"You've gotta be kidding me, you again!?!?" Miles groaned as he saw him.

"You will never get rid of me. I am inevitable." Morlun snarled as he stepped towards Miles.
Miguel began to get up as he saw Morlun suddenly appear from a portal. Him again? Miguel groaned internally as he started to help others get up. Noir and Peni seemed to be the only ones who couldn't fight anymore. One lost her only way of fighting and the other broke his ribs. The rest seemed to be fine though. "Come on everyone, we need to help Miles." He urged everyone as they all formed up.

Miles got his electric aura back and sent a powerful shock towards the ground to knock away Morlun but it only moved him a few feet.

"The little shocks aren't going to help you now." Morlun said as he walked towards Miles.

"We'll see about that." Miles said but he knew that was most likely true. That shock took a lot of power and it barely affected Morlun but he still wouldn't give up as he released a shock wave around him. This had more effect on Morlun as it did knock him back but only for a mere second as he quickly got up and leapt towards Miles. Miles quickly jumped and tried to punch Morlun, but he quickly knocked away his arm and punched him instead. Morlun landed and began to slowly crush Miles with his foot.

"You will never be my match ever again. You are going to suffer as you beg for a quick death which I won't grant. I will then take your girlfriend and have my fun with her while you watch." Miles immediately knew what he meant and it angered him even more as he tried to get up but still couldn't due to Morlun's foot.

"I'd like to see you try." He spat as Morlun laughed.

"I'd already am, child. And I'm succeeding, greatly. Once, I'm finished with her, I will kill her in front of you, then I will slit you. Once a day, until you lose too much blood, then, I will kill you." Morlun laughed after he said this and let go of Miles. Miles quickly took advantage and got up to attack again but Morlun saw this coming and punched him, knocking him out.

Suddenly, the rest of the spiders started to attack him. He quickly got rid of most of them by releasing a shock wave of his own, but this time with fire. Only 3 spiders were strong enough to still fight. The puny boy's girlfriend, a mature spider with a large red spider on his chest, and a girl with long black hair and something covering most of her face. This is too easy. He thought as he surrounded the four of them with a ring of fire.

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