Chapter 16

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"I like her." Miguel accidently blurted out. He didn't know why he did because he knew that he didn't.


Miguel looked up and saw Silk looking at him with a confused look on her face. Crap! he thought as he mentally slapped himself.

"Ummm." Miguel stuttered. Suddenly, he heard Lyla laughing at him. "You knew that she was awake and never told me?" He quietly muttered to her.

"Yep, I wanted to see what your reaction would be. And it was priceless." She said and continued laughing.

Miguel rolled his eyes then looked back at Silk, who looked at him with even more confusion on her face. "Sorry about that, I was just talking to Lyla about something. You can go now."

Silk looked at him before getting up from the bed. "Ok, thanks for your help."

"Yeah, yeah no problem." Miguel rubbed his neck. What is my problem? he thought to himself.

"By the way, what did you mean by 'I like her'?" She asked at the doorway.

"Um, I was talking about, uhh, my car. Yeah I was just saying that I like my car and I just called it a her."

"Oh, uh, ok." Silk raised her eyebrow in confusion before walking away.

"I'm such an idiot." Miguel muttered to himself as he kept rubbing his neck.

"Yeah, you are. Really? Your car? You don't even have a car." Lyla said to him and started laughing again.

"Shut up Lyla, you're the one that got me into that mess in the first place."


Miguel walked out of the room and went towards his holocomputer. "Did you find Morlun yet?" He asked Lyla.

"Not yet, I made some progress and narrowed it down to a few hundred dimensions, but it's going to take a while longer for me to find out which."

Miguel sighed. He had no idea how much time they had left until Morlun attacked again to take Gwen. "Keep looking, we don't know how much longer we have until he comes for Gwen."


Miles woke up to the painful feeling of his body feeling like it was being torn apart. He screamed until finally, the pain stopped. He suddenly realized that his dimension hopper was gone and that he was beginning to glitch. A new wave a fear swept over him and he realized that he won't have much time until he will disintegrate into nothing from the glitch soon.

Suddenly, the door opened and revealed Verna and Morlun walking in. "Ah, our guest is awake. Verna, how about you give him a little push to wake him up even more?"

"With pleasure, brother." Verna said to Morlun. Then, she whistled and the hounds around her began to attack Miles. Morlun snapped his fingers and chains appeared to hold Miles to the wall so he couldn't fight back against the hounds. Verna whistled again and the hounds went back to her. When the hounds returned to Verna, Morlun walked up to Miles, made the chains disappear, and grabbed his body to crush him.

"There is no escaping this, you are soon going to die a very painful death, and your little friends won't be able to save you this time." Morlun sneered. He squeezed Miles even harder until he heard some of his ribs snap. Morlun dropped him as Miles screamed in pain from the broken ribs. "Come sister, let's leave the boy alone to deal with the pain alone." The two laughed evilly as they left the room, leaving Miles in the room alone as he hoped that his friends would come and rescue him soon.


Miguel continued working to find out where Morlun was when he heard the door suddenly open. He turned to see Silk and Gwen enter the room and laughing about something as they walked to the kitchen. Gwen whispered something to Silk which made her laugh.

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