Chapter 4

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Earth 1610

Miles was waiting at the alleyway that he and Gwen agreed to meet at. He had been waiting for 5 minutes before he saw a portal open up and see Gwen step out of it. When the portal closed, the two did a secret handshake before Gwen asked Miles what he wanted to do.

"Why do I decide?"

"Because I chose last time. Fair is fair."

"I don't like making decisions." Miles said with a pouty face.

Gwen made sure not to look before saying with a sweet smile, "Well me neither. But what's fair is fair. You choose."

"Fiiiine. Since we walked around last time, let's go swing."

"K, let me put on my suit." After they both put on their suits they both began swinging around and stopping an occasional crime. It was fun for Gwen to see Miles' world without having to worry about glitches or Kingpin. After a while, the two decided to get some food.

"I'm hungry, is there a place nearby that has anything?"

"There's a pizza place if that's OK with you."

"Yeah sure, I'm getting kinda tired of burgers."

"How do you get tired of burgers?" Miles exclaimed with a shocked face.

Gwen giggled before replying, "I'm not as addicted to them as you are, Miles." rolling her eyes.

"Whatever, I'm getting hungry. You wanna buy?"

"Uh, no. Why would I?"

"Because you paid last time."

"Yeah because I won a bet."

"Fine. But I still think you got lucky."

"Luck or no luck I still won."

"Yeah yeah yeah. I'm buying the pizza now." Miles swung into the shop to get the pizza as Gwen waited on a rooftop nearby. Should I tell him today? She thought to herself as she waited for Miles. I should right? What could go wrong? I mea- Her thoughts were cut short when she heard a commotion. She looked down and saw, surprise surprise, Doc Ock. She groaned as she pulled on her mask before swinging down to fight the villain.

"Well well, the white spiderwoman I saw a while ago. Please delight me into telling me how you are here since you don't have my wonderful collider to bring you here."

"One, your collider was a piece of cap that threatened the lives of innocent people. And two, why would I tell you how I got here? You'll only just travel dimensions to cause mayhem."

"Precisely spiderwoman, quite obvious is it not? And also, my collider is wonderful. Buy any who, if you won't tell me how you got here, I'll just force it out of you."

"Fat chance doc!" The two battled for about 10 minutes before somehow, Doc Ock managed to pin Gwen down.

"Any last words?"

"Yeah! Hands off my friend" a voice shouted. Gwen was confused at first before she saw Miles punch Doc Ock right on the jaw. Ock was furious at this and began to attack Miles but was having trouble. Miles became invisible and venom shocked the Doc. She fell down and was knocked cold. The two webbed her up for the police before swinging away. "You okay, Gwen?" Miles asked with concern in his eyes.

"Yeah, I'm okay, just a few bruises but they're minor. Where's the pizza?"

"Right here." Miles answered as he showed her a pizza box under his arms. "Cmon, I have a place in mind where we can eat."

"K, I'm coming." They swung for a while before arriving at the Empire State Building's rooftop. "Right here?"

"Yep, far from any thugs. I'm getting tired of fighting them and I need a break." Gwen giggled before opening the pizza box. Inside was a pepperoni pizza that still smelled fresh. She took a piece and took a bite.

"This is really good! Way better than any pizza place in my dimension."

"Best in Brooklyn, what can you say." Miles replied as he took a piece of his own. The two continued eating and kept talking until the pizza was finished, then they sat in silence for a while. Gwen was looking at the sun as it began setting, not knowing how deep in thought Miles was in. Should I tell her? Should I tell her? I don't think I have a better chance than this. Should I? Should I? "Gwen?" Agh? No, no, no! Shut up, shut up, shut up!


"I need to tell you something."

"Yeah? What is it?" Don't tell her, don't tell her, don't tell her.

"I-" Miles froze. Should I tell her? This could end our friendship. Then remembered what Peter B. told him a while back. "It's a leap of faith." Right. Miles thought. Even if she doesn't think the same about me, we can still remain friends.

"Uh, Miles? You gonna tell me something?"

Miles took a deep breath before saying, "Gwen, I like you more than a friend. I like you more of like a crush and I can't stop thinking about it so I have to tell you." Miles stopped talking and began to blush hard. Gwen remained silent for a few seconds. Great, she isn't talking. She probably doesn't think the same about me and probably hates me now.


"Yeah?" Miles barely said, preparing for the outburst Gwen was for sure going to give him.

"I like you the same way"

What!?!?! She does!?!? Miles could feel his heart burst with joy. "You do?"

"Yeah. I was going to tell you the same thing but I didn't think you felt the same about me so I didn't tell you."

"So you want, you know, be a couple?"

She smiled before saying, "I'd love to." Then she pulled Miles into a kiss.

Miles could feel his heart burst with joy when she did this. He put his hands around his waist as she put her arms around his neck. They kept kissing until they finally pulled away to gasp for air. "So I guess we're a thing now?"

Gwen giggled before replying "Yeah. Yeah I guess we are." She put her head on Miles' shoulder as he put his arm around her back. The two stayed like that as they watched the sun set "Miles?"


"I love you."

"Me too." The two grinned at each other before kissing again with the sun shining brightly on the two of them.

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