Chapter 26

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Miguel looked down at the bed where Peter laid as the arms finished sewing him back up. Soon, the procedure finished and left Peter on the hospital bed that the surgery took place on.

"How long is he gonna be out?" Miguel asked Lyla as he stared at the unconscious figure.

"I'm not sure. It should be similar to the others but they're unpredictable. Anything could happen. A while is all I can say right now."

"Put him back with the others and bring subject 1 to me."

"Of course." The bed started moving along a rail they led over to a dark room where nearly hundreds of other hospital beds were located, all with an unconscious figure laying on top of them.

Once Peter's bed stopped moving in an empty space between two others, another moved back towards Miguel that had another figure laying on it. Once it stopped in front of Miguel, he lifted the blanked covering the figure slightly to reveal the man's chest and abdomen. The entire body was completely black with scales covering every part of the body. The arms had shredded every cell of skin from the body to reveal the bones of the man with what seemed like spikes and armor starting to grow out of the bone. The hand and fingers have all been rotten off to reveal two daggers that would soon grow into swords to replace them. Miguel looked at the man's feet and saw the same process of the skin beginning to rot off. Blood littered the entire bed and changed the white sheets completely into a dark red.

"How long has he been out now?"

"Subject 1 has been out for 3 and a half months now." Lyla simply responded.

"So the mutation has almost finished?"


"How much left is needed to be done?"

"The puncturing through the skin and the replacing of the organs still need to happen. The feet still obviously need to go through the process but they take less time than the rest if the body. After that is just the head. The whole process should only take another 3 weeks. Then it'll be finished.

"Those nasty little buggers work quick don't they?" Miles smiled. "Brutal."

"It's how it should be." Lyla replied.

"And how high will the pain level be?"

"Intolerable." Lyla said simply.

"Brilliant. They'll listen without hesitation then." Miguel continued to look at the rotting body ambit was deep in thought. "Put it back, and tell me once the operation is ready."

The bed was taken back to its original spot. Miguel walked away and kept thinking.

Just a few more weeks then I'll get her back

The thought made Miguel smile evily as he put on his mask to go patrol.

Miles swung over to a rooftop near the scene and watched the cops take the thieves into their cars. He soon found that he was breathing harder than he realized. He took off his mask to breath easier and looked around for anymore trouble.


That voice sounded familiar to him. Miles turned and felt every one of his bones shake in shock as he saw her. Liz was standing at the other side of the building and was watching the scene at the bank. Was.

Oh noooo...

Miles tried to think of a bunch of ways to lie his way out of the situation and try to hide his secret. Maybe he could just be dressing up?

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