Chapter 2

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Hey guys I'm back with another chapter. Before we get to it I just wanna tell you guys that this story is just going to be focused mainly on gwen and Miles. All the other characters will be briefly mentioned unless I have a bigger role for them planned. Anyways enough from me and let's get back to the story.
---------------------------------------------------------Earth 65

It's been 4 months since Gwen acme back from kingpins collider. 4 months since she met the spider fam. 4 months since she met Him. Miles. Ever since he made that lame Einstein joke she knew that she felt different about him than anyone else she knows. So she broke her vow that she made after the Peter from her dimension died and made him her "friend".

Honestly how can we really be friends. We live in different dimensions. she thought sadly as she sat on top of the rooftop.

It had been a pretty bad week for gwen. Her dad recently got hurt badly and if that didn't make her feel bad she became really lonely and all she wanted was someone to talk to. Her band was probably the best people to do so but they weren't exactly friends per say. Sure they would hang out but she never really felt that connection between them like she did with miles.

Then she began thinking about Miles. He was so nice all the time and always was able to help people feel better. She missed him. A LOT. She just wanted to be with him, hug him, and ki- Don't think that gwen we're only friends. What's the matter with you anyways? He probably doesn't even think the same anyways.

Then she checked the time and realized she had to go to school. Groaning, she got up and swung to school, not exactly feeling thrilled about it considering she had a test today.
Earth 1610

Finally the school day was over and he could finally meet Gwen. Then suddenly he realized the amount of homework he had.

"Cmon man. It's a Friday. Why is there so much homework on a Friday." he said to himself as he sat on his desk and got out his books.

I'll visit her tomorrow

He took out his headphones and his phone, put the headphones over his ears, and began listening to the 10 hour version of Sunflower.

2 hours later he finally finished. He put away his stuff and realized he was hungry.

"Yo ganke wanna grab some food?"

"In a sec I'm almost done with this paper."

Miles rolled his eyes. Ganke always took forever to finish his work. Finally ganke finished and joined miles to get dinner.

As they ate miles told ganke that he would most likely be gone for most of the weekend.


"I have this watch that lets me travel dimensions. I'm gonna give one to my girlf- I mean friend."

"Ummm OK but anyways what's your girlfriends name?" said ganke hearing miles' slip.

"It's gwen and we're only friends. Relax man."

"Mhm suurre. Anyways I'll just be here anyways good luck there. Tell me how the date goes."

"Shut up ganke" miles said as ganke laughed and got up to throw away his trash. Miles did the same and went back to his room to have a quick snooze before going out to patrol

The Next Day

Miles woke up the next day after patrol and feeling excited to his surprise.

Why am I this excited?

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