Chapter 8

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Miles woke up the next morning and saw his parents standing over them with huge grins on their faces. "Morning kid. You ready to go?" Jeff said.

That's when Miles realized that he was able to go home today. "Yep I'm ready. Let's go." Miles said as he jumped out of bed.

The family walked down to their car and caught up Miles with whatever happened during the time he was in the hospital. They finally reached home and Miles began to take in the sight he didn't get to see for so long. "Mi hijo, go to your room and get some rest."

That's weird, I just woke up, why do I need to get rest. Miles thought. He was about to ask but his mom disappeared somewhere and so did his dad. What the, is my house haunted? Miles thought as he searched frantically for his parents. He opened his door and was met with a loud "Welcome back!"

"Gah!" Miles shouted as his reflexes took over his actions and webbed someone's arms together. He was about to do the same to another before he realized who the people were. His parents and the spider fam were all there with happy smiles on their face. Well, all of them except for Peter. He was the one who got his hands webbed up and was not happy about it.

"Gee, thanks kid, great way to greet a guest." He grumbled as he struggled to take off the webbing.

"What, when, how?" Miles stuttered at the sight of all the people in the room. Gwen giggled before she took him over to the side.

"Remember when I said I had to quickly leave for band practice after we celebrated for your recovery?" (I didn't include this in the other story cause I just thought of this, sorry.)


"Well there was no band practice. I was traveling dimensions to get the spider fam to all celebrate when you came home."

"Wow, you guys did great."

"Thanks. Now come on, let's go to the party."

"Yeah yeah I'm coming." When they reached the group of people they were met with a loud cheer as everyone began to hug Miles.

After a while Miles was in the kitchen to get some water when Gwen came up to him.

"Hey." She said.

"Hey." Good job on the party I really like it." Miles said as he drank his water.

"Thanks." The two were in a silence before Gwen broke it. "Hey, wanna get out of here?"

"Why? Don't you wanna stay at the party?"

"There's something I want to show you. Everyone already knows I already told them."

"Ok let's go then."
---------------------------------------------------------The two were sitting on the top of the Empire State Building and looking at the sun as it set. Gen had her head on Miles' shoulder and was half asleep as Mikes looked at her and thought about how lucky he was. I'm spiderman, I have awesome friends, supporting parents, and Gwen. He thought. He continued to think about this when he felt Gwen move. He looked over and saw Gwen move.

"What are you doing." Miles asked.

Gwen took out a piece of paper from her pocket and gave it to Miles. Miles took it and was shocked to see what it was. It was a drawing. A beautiful drawing. It was a picture of their first kiss on this building with the sun shining brightly behind them.

"I was going to give it to you when you were at the hospital but never got the chance so I decided to give it to you now. Its nowhere as good as your work but I tried my best. I hope you like it." Gwen said with her head half down unsure of what his reaction would be. She didn't think she did that good of a job.

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