Chapter 31

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Miles sat on what must have been the hundredth rooftop for the night, trying to find any clues to where Mysterio and Shadow were hiding. He and Cindy thought that if they could retrace their steps from their chase, they could find the hideout easily but that trail would soon run cold quickly. All they found was an abandoned warehouse with no secret entrances or bodies anywhere. They spent the next few hours scouring the city to find other locations where they could be hiding but had no luck so far.

"See anything?" Cindy asked beside him.

Miles shook his head. "Just a normal midnight buzz in the city that never sleeps."

Cindy shook her head and took off her mask and looked at the clock built into the dimension hopper. Luckily, everything built into it was intact other than their communications and dimension hopping functions. "It's getting late. You got anywhere to be tomorrow kid?"

Miles took off his mask to enjoy his break after a long night of searching."I got school tomorrow. I think I'll skip."

"You feel ok after the whole time traveling incident?"

Miles shrugged. "It was disturbing but I just have memories now. I don't feel any effects anymore. I think they were just a part of the illusions somehow."

"Good." Cindy said in a relieved tone. "You aren't skipping then. They're going to get suspicious if you keep skipping and they probably already are after recent events."

"But we should be focusing on finding that hideout. We shouldn't get distracted." Miles protested.

"It is important we keep searching, but every step we take needs to be thought up carefully and every aspect of our lives need to be accounted for when we take an action. A lot of people think you're normal, so be normal. Go to school and stop raising eyebrows or you're going to have to deal with a lot more than you can handle. That includes getting those grades up as well so you don't grow up to be a hobo spider."

Miles sighed in defeat. "All right, I'll go."

"Good. It's 2 in the morning right now. Get to your dorm quickly and you can get some decent sleep tonight. We'll keep searching once you're ready." Cindy suddenly remembered something and slapped her head. "Idiot." She muttered.


"Sleep can wait for a few minutes. Stay here, I need to get something. I'll be quick." She webbed Miles's feet to the floor. "Just in case." She quickly said and swung away.

"This is just wonderful." Miles muttered. He tried pulling his feet out of the web's but they held still. He gave it a few more tugs before giving up. May knew her webs, and they weren't going to pull apart with just some tugs even with Miles's extra strength.

He stood still and waited for Cindy to return from whatever she was doing. Eventually he got really bored and started whistling a little tune and took out his phone to check over his social media accounts and mail for the first time in a while. Many of the posts were just about the chaos that Mysterio caused. Luckily, the destruction was finally sorted through and no new events occurred, letting the city take a breather before the next attack came.

After about half an hour, Cindy finally was swinging over to him while carrying a plastic bag.

"Finally, I was thinking that you got into trouble or something." Miles said.

"Don't worry about me kid." Cindy said and grabbed a knife from the bag and started to cut away the webs. It took a while as the webs were much more sticky than she thought. "Whoever made this stuff really knows what they're doing." She grunted and finally cut through the last strands.

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