Chapter 22

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Miles was furious. It happened again. He failed to rescue Gwen again. And now there wouldn't be any do overs anymore. She was gone for good.

But Miles didn't feel a wave of sadness crushing him right now. He only felt rage. Rage at Mysterio. A rage that could only be gone after ripping off the dome on his head and punching him repeatedly until he stopped breathing.

He started to glow but didn't feel it. His rage was completely making him numb of it. His rage continued to build until finally, he felt it explode and everything in his room scattered everywhere.

Suddenly, a knock at the door put some sense into him and he looked up to see both of his parent's faces filled with fear and concern looking at him.

"Miles?" His dad said with shocked. "What happened? What's going on?"

At that moment, all of the rage that was in Miles was gone, and the overwhelming crushing blow of sadness finally hit him. He wasn't prepared for it and broke down, crying.

His mom came up to him and hugged him. "Mi hijo, what's wrong?" She cupped his face and looked in his eyes that were filled with tears.

Jeff walked over and hugged him too. "It's ok Miles, you don't have to tell us if you don't want to."

The family stayed like that, hugging each other, for a little bit until Miles finally spoke. "I-I lost her. I couldn't save her, and she's go..." He couldn't finish the sentence before another wave of tears overtook him. But his parents didn't need him to finish, they knew what he meant, and their hearts broke for their young son who found love and could only experience it for such a small period of time before it was taken away. Nobody should have to experience that, especially this someone this young.

They hugged him even harder, comforting him as he continued to sob in grief. Not a word was spoken the whole time.

Finally, Miles spoke. "I tried to save her. I was so close, I could feel it, but I ran out of time and..." Miles choked up and couldn't finish.

"Shhhh, it's ok" Jeff whispered, "you don't have to tell us if you can't."

But Miles was determined. He knew that Gwen would want him to be strong. He took a deep breath and started to explain everything to his parents. The battle against the army of robots, seeing Morlun "kill" Gwen, fighting Gwen, finding out about all the illusions and Mysterio, the crowd of illusions surrounding him and Miguel, and the two of them running out of time. By the time he finished, he felt like crying again, but all of the tears were gone.

"Oh mi hijo." Rio cried and hugged her son again. Jeff joined her and they hugged again until they heard a knock at the window. The three of them looked over and saw Miguel standing in the room watching them.

"I hope I'm not interrupting." He said with a weak smile. Miles could see the grief on his face though and knew how hard he was fighting his own tears right now.

"Who are you, and what do you want?" Jeff demanded and reached for his gun.

"Whoa dad," Miles leaped in front of the gun. "It's fine, he's a friend of mine, another spider."

Jeff sighed. "I swear there are too many of you right now." Everyone in the room chuckled a little.

"I was just wondering if I could talk to Miles for a little bit?" Miguel asked.

"If that's ok with him?" Rio said and looked at Miles, worried about his emotional state right now.

"Yeah, it's ok."

"Ok kiddo, just... be careful. Please." Jeff pleaded. He didn't want to anyone else today.

"I will dad, I promise." Miles gave him a weak smile and walked over to where Miguel was standing.

Miles jumped out with Miguel and followed him as he swung around the city until he landed on top of a building that overlooked the city. Miguel walked over to the ledge of the building and stood there, looking over the city. Miles heard him sigh disparingly but was confused. He knew that he was hurting from losing Cindy, but why would he take him to this building?

"Hey Miguel? If you don't mind me asking, why are we here?" Miguel sighed again and looked over at Miles.

"This building, in my dimension, was one of the first and last places that I was with Cindy. This is where we shared our first kiss." Miguel smiled at the memory as a lone tear slipped out.

Miles recognized the building as also somewhere that he took Gwen before and remembered the time they had together. Miles also smiled at the memory but no tears came, he ran out of them. They sat there, remembering all the memories they had with their lost beloveds. Two women that brought light into their lives taken away, never to be seen again.

Miles sighed and looked at Miguel who was also in grief. "I'm sorry." He finally said.

Miguel seemed surprised. "For what?"

"For yelling at you when you pulled me away. I realize that you were also suffering a lot and I probably only made things worst."

Miguel sighed. "It's ok Miles. I understand why you did that and to be honest, I probably would've done the same. I wanted to save them, but I couldn't leave you too."

"I know." Miles said and tried to find something else to say but couldn't find the words.

For a while they sat in silence again until Miguel scoffed. "Look at us, just two guys mourning the lost of the people we loved because of some fishbowl-loving guy. I never thought that I would ever have to go through this ever again."

Miles looked at him puzzled. "What do you mean?"

Miguel shooked his head. "It's a long story."

Miles shrugged. "We got time."

So Miguel began telling about his life to Miles. All the heart breaks he suffered, all the challenges he faced, and all the times he could've nearly died. It was a pretty dark story, Miles realized. But there were also the stories that were happy, and entertaining, making both of them laugh. And it were moments like these, where both of them enjoyed each other as friends, that made Miles realize that maybe, just maybe, the two friends could pull through and continue on their own.

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