Chapter 1

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OK so this is my first try at making fanfic and I decided to go with one of my favorite fanfic topics which is gwiles (or miles morales and gwen stacy). So if you think that it's not the best writing ever then just comment some suggestions but don't be rude. I'll try to update as frequently as possible but complications may arrive which will delay the chapters. Also Ill try to make the chapters be on the longer side. Anyways enough with the intros and let's get to the part I think we all want to read.
Earth 1610

It's been the most exciting past 4 months miles have ever had.
Who knew how exciting being spiderman really is? he thought. Of course there was always school which complicated many things but right now, he still had about 3 hours before heading back to Visions Academy. Right now he just wants to enjoyed the peace due to the lack of crime at the time.

While standing there, he began to think about the spider-fam he met 4 months ago. He thought about Spider Ham and his odd cartoon logic yet. Peni and her amazing intelligence and friendly spirit. Noir and his dark and mysterious attitude yet interest in the colors of the other dimensions. Peter and his compassionate care for him and his help that gave him the ability to control his powers and become spiderman. And Gwen. He froze when he thought about her. Ever since she laughed at his lame Einstein joke he kinda had a small crush on her though he was able to ignore it until she went back to her dimension. Then he realized how much he really missed her and would give anything to just see her again. He kept thinking about her blonde hair and that cute gap in her teet-

"Wait what am I thinking about? We're just friends I don't have a crush on her stop thinking about that," Miles said to himself. Then suddenly he heard a bank alarm go off and saw a bunch of thugs robbing the bank.

"Finally some action," Miles said. He jumped down to a near alleyway and turned invincible. Then he crept up to the nearest thug and shot a web to take away his gun. The thug looked at Miles' direction until Miles knocked out the thug. Then Mules turned to quickly take care of the thugs, webbed the thugs for the police to take the thugs in, returned the money to the bank, and swung away.

All in a day's work. Miles thought as he was swinging. Then all of a sudden he heard a large commotion as he saw Rhino causing mayhem on the roads.

"You've got to be kidding me didn't I just fight him 2 days ago?" Miles said to himself as he swung to rhino to fight him.

Two hours later
Miles finally took care of the Rhino and decided to go back to Visions Academy early after taking care of a few more crimes. Miles unslid his window and saw his roommate, Ganke, already up and finishing a last minute paper. Ganke looked up and saw Miles there and acknowledged him before going back to his paper. Miles changed to his school uniform, flopped on his bed, and pulled out a picture of him and Gwen he stared at it and thought about the good times they with each other and how beautiful he thought she wa-

Ugh stop thinking about that. We're only friends.

Sure keep telling yourself that. A small part of his brain saying to him.

Shut up Miles said to that part of the brain before closing the picture and began playing a game on his phone. Then he decided to take a quick nap before school.

He set the alarm on his phone to 30 minutes before quickly falling asleep.

25 minutes passed until he was awoken by someone slapping him on the face. Hard.

"Ow! What the hell was that for Ganke!" Miles shouted until suddenly seeing a tall figure that stood before him. He looked like he was in some kind of.....armor? It was colored in a dark blue with a red spider on the chest. It had red things on his arms that kinda looked like blades.

Quickly jumping out of bed, Miles stood at a fighting stance; preparing to fight the man.

"I don't know who you are but make the fight quick, school starts soon." said Miles.

"Relax Miles, my name is Miguel or spiderman but I assume you hear the second name a lot. I'm from earth 928 which is a dimension far in the future then yours not here to fight you and yes I know your name. I watched you and your friends and know pretty much everything that you revealed through your actions."

"Then why are you here?" asked Miles.

"I came to give you something which can help you deal with other threats similar to kingpin or if you just wanna hang out with your "spider fam" as you call them."

"Ey the name sounds cool. But anyways what did you come to bring and also where is Ganke?" asked Miles suddenly realizing that his roommate was gone.

"Relax, your roommate left to go to class early after I explained to him why I was here, as for the other question I came to give you this." the man said as suddenly a portal opened and out came something that looked like a watch.

"What is this?" asked Miles as Miguel gave it to him.

"It's a dimension hopper. It allows you to travel dimensions or text or hollocall people from other dimensions. It also stabilizes your atoms so you won't glitch in other dimensions. Also in case it gets stolen I'm gonna give you 3 extra but try not to lose any. They take a while to make. And for security purposes, it requires a fingerprint scan to work or else it will just act as a normal watch."

"Coooool" said Miles as his phone's alarm began to ring alerting him that school was going to begin soon.

"Well I better get going now I have a bunch of other watches to give out." said Miguel.

Then suddenly Miles had an idea to talk to Gwen again. After all they were friends.

"Hey could you maybe let me give Gwen Stacy hers to you know..... save time?" Miles asked hopefully.

"Why would you- ooooooh yeah good luck man." Miguel answered knowingly giving Miles Gwen's dimension hopper.

"Anyways I gotta go. Good luck with you know what." Miguel said as he was jumping through a portal.

Miles stood there for 10 seconds before realizing he still had school and raced to get to class.
---------------------------------------------------------OK that was exhausting but enjoyable anyways I hope you enjoyed it and I'll try to release another chapter soon. Who knows if my brain gets on a roll I may get it out today. But until then comment what you think. Anyways see you guys in the next chapter. Peace!

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