Chapter 25

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Miguel jumped through a window and landed in his completely dark and silent house. Suddenly, warm light shone throughout the house and warmly greeted him into his home. He quickly changed out of his suit and entered his kitchen where Lyla had prepared him a hot meal when he would come back. He ignored the hot plate of food and instead grabbed a cup and filled it with water. He gulped down the water and went over to his bedroom where he saw his inviting, comfortable bed waiting for him. He quickly changed out of his suit and jumped onto the bed.

He turned on his holo-TV but couldn't pay attention to it. Bored, he looked up to his ceiling where it was covered in drawings that would seem random to the normal eye, but to him, every single one of them were sentimental to him and represented something important to him. He took a remote from his nightstand and clicked a button on it. Suddenly, the ceiling tiles all slid away to reveal the late night sky. Though previous generations had littered the sky with pollution, recent technology had been able to clear the pollution to once again show the brilliant, twinkling stars that Miguel loved.

Miguel took a holo-frame from his nightstand and looked at it. Showing through the frame was a picture of him and Cindy, smiling as if they didn't have a care in the world. Miguel smiled. He missed those times. Those times where he could be with the love of his live and be able to truly be happy with her, a feeling he's never had for so long before then. Miguel felt a lone tear slip out as the thought passed that he probably won't be able to feel those feelings ever again. He missed her with every fiber of his being. He wanted to see her again. To feel her. To hug her and feel all of his worries and pains vanish away to be replaced with joy and love.

He remembered a memory of being with her and looking at the stars on a night like this while they were sitting on a rooftop.

"They're beautiful." She whispered. Miguel glanced over and smiled at the sight of Cindy staring at the sky with awe. She caught him staring at her and had a confused look on her face. "What?"

Miguel chuckled. "Nothing, I just didn't know you liked the stars."

"What's that supposed to mean?" If Cindy wasn't confused before, she definitely was now.

"It's just that you don't seem you like you would stars."

Cindy perked an eyebrow. "Yeah right, like I'd believe something that stupid. What's up with you?"

Miguel just stared at her. The moonlight was shining perfectly on Cindy, exemplifying all of the features on her face, making her even more beautiful to Miguel.

"You're beautiful." He whipered.

"Wow, thanks for the compliment." She smiled at him sweetly before having a teasing grin on her. "Didn't know such a tough man had it in him to compliment me."

Miguel rolled his eyes. "Yeah, yeah." He didn't mind her teasing especially since her humor helped him ease the stress on his mind. It didn't help it disappear however, as Cindy noticed the worry in his eyes.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

"I just," Miguel let out a heavy sigh, "I know how much danger we're in right now with Morlun and everything, and we both already had enough scares. I don't wanna lose you. Every one of these moments feel like they're going to be the last. I just want to make all of them count."

Cindy's eyes softened and understood what he meant. "Babe, everything is going to be fine. I have your back, you have mine, as well as everyone else has ours. We aren't going to die."

"But what if..." Miguel's thoughts were trailing off at the thought of Cindy dying.

"Miguel look at me." Her voice turned stern. "Nobody is dying. I can protect myself and so can you. And if I do need help, I know I can count on you to come to my rescue."

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