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( Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 4.05am

What did he just say? I nearly blurt aloud. This amazing man. This beautiful man. And we are just going to give him away to God knows who or even what. I am about to speak when Chuuya san confidently says, " And how will that help?"

Atsushi pauses for a moment before answering. " I- If you give me away, they won't harm you... A- and they won't be bothering you..."

He must have thought about this for a while now, he seems to have put a lot of thought into this.

" Tch, that won't do me any good." Chuuya san replies slightly annoyed. Although, I can tell he's worried for Atsushi.

Atsushi just states dumbfounded at Chuuya san.

" Jinko, think about it. There's no point in giving you away and the poison has weakened you way too much." I say as an attempt to comfort him.


We hear the loud sounds from above as the black shadows try to get in, shaking the roof above our heads.

" It would be best if shortie and I go fight, Atushi and Akutagawa stay here." Dazai san announces as he starts walking towards the door and into the maze.

" My name's not shortie!" Chuuya san shouts as he follows the taller man.

After the door closes, I wait a moment before turning my eyes towards the man I have fallen for. His majestic eyes stare back at me, filling me with want and making me imagine things I shouldn't. As much as I didn't want to, I break away from his beautiful gaze and look at the room we are in. Although it is a bit old and dusted, everything seems to be pretty much intact.

" I'll clear the bed and see if I can find some new bed sheets, then you can lay down and rest." Slowly, I make my way around the cold room and open the nearest cabinet. It opens with a creak. Inside are many different types of medicine bottles in glass bottles, with white or blue caps. I read the names and pick out a few disinfectants and painkillers before closing the door and continuing my hunt for bed sheets. After a few minutes, I go to the third bed from the left and start changing the bed sheets to the clean, white ones I had found in the third last cabinet.

" Atsushi, come lay here and take off your t-shirt so I can disinfect your wound." I turn my head to see him walking obediently towards me with his head bent. Good, he's able to walk now.

When I'm done changing the bandages, he looks at me and smiles.

" Thank you, Akutagawa." My heart starts racing, but I try my best not to blush at his cute face. " Thank you for everything you have done."

" It's nothing." I turn my head away from him and pretend to busy myself with the medicine bottles. His mouth opens as he is about to say something else...


The whole ceiling shakes as dust rains on top of us.

" Dazai san!" I whisper under my breath as I start moving towards the door. However, a soft, warm hand grabs my arm and stops me in my tracks. I turn and am about to open my mouth to protest when I see his beautiful eyes, filled with tears and I realise that he is shaking.

" Don't leave me!" He shouts, closing his eyes to stop the tears from falling. " Dazai san shouldn't be your first priority! It should be me..."

" I..." I start, unable to find a response to this. Not knowing what to do, I walk towards him and embrace him. He tenses up and finally relaxes.

" I'm scared... please, don't leave me alone." He whispers, his voice cracking as I feel his tears and on my shoulders.

" I won't." I hug him a bit tighter in response.

" Promise?" He asks as he wraps his arms around my neck and burries his face deeper into my shoulder.

" Promise." I am willing to keep this promise. But for now, he needs rest. I lay him down on the bed and get comfortable with him, knowing that it's the only way to make him believe me. Then I get rashoumon to grab the blanket and lay it on top of us.

" Atsushi?" I whisper. He's fast asleep. Sighing, I decide that it would be better to gain back my strength. That way, I'll be able to protect him. I close my eyes.

" Oooh~ What is this?"

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