Trouble Part 1

263 5 5

(Chuuya's POV)
Friday 11.49am

The soft wind ruffles my fiery red hair as I hold down my hat, which is being threatened of flying off. My legs pace fast around this same line along the greyed pavement as 20 minutes ago.

"Are we really going to tell them? Will they accept us? What if they don't? What if they hate us?"

The brunette in front of me follows a bird with his eyes like an idiot.

"Oh Chuuya! You worry way too much for a hatrack!" A sweet voice being wasted on insults and nonsense. "I'm sure they couldn't care less!"

A notification. Followed by plenty more. I take the phone and check.

"If anything, they're probably onto each other already in some corner."

My face drains of any colour. I take a shattered breath and look up at the babbling Dazai.

"Fuck, Dazai...They're in danger!"

If that didn't get his attention, my sprinting off did. With a startled sigh he runs behind me. Despite my short legs, I run fast. My babies!

"What the hell is going on Chuuya?! Why are you running?! Why am I following you?!" He's voice sounded exhausted already.

"Fucking shadows have attacked them again! Atsushi's been stabbed...again!" My words shake and eyes roam the roads, trying to find them.

"What...? Where?"

"I-in a fucking warehouse near the port– or something. I don't fucking know!" These boys can't have a break, can they? We can't get a day to ourselves, can we? The universe really fucking doesn't like us.

After God knows how long of running, panting like asthmatics, and legs that are about to fall off, we see them.

"Shadows." The panting man breathes besides me. I nod, my brain working in solutions of things we can do.

"Y-yeah, they're inside the warehouse, safe...for now." My voice came out softer than usual, masked by fear.

"We could sneak up–"

"Oi! Dumb shadows!" Dazai's confident voice shouts from a few meters in front of me. My plan's out of the window, huh?

I follow suit, walking besides him.


That's what we are. The man besides me shoots me a smirk– instantly making my paled cheeks rosy pink. What the fuck, Dazai? That's hot...

The shadows...cower? As we walk forwards, they drift backwards.

"What? Scared already?" Dazai's teasing voice cuts through the tension, bringing a stupid smile to my face, my confidence building up all over again. I smirk and lift up my chin.

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