First steps

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( Akutagawa's POV)
Wednesday 8.00

I sigh slightly as I walk to my allocated location. This morning, I had finally worked up the courage to go speak to that weretiger, had I not chickened out when I saw him staring.

" Good morning senpai!" Higuchi calls out as soon as she sees me walking. I just glare in her direction, making it clear that I am not in the mood to talk, but the chatty brat carries on talking.

" How are you feeling? Did you get enough sleep today? Would you like jasmine tea?" She blabbered on.

" Shut up will you? I am not in the mood for this." I reply bluntly, yet she still has that stupid smirk on her face. Once I settle down at my chair, the images of that gentle, white- haired man comes rushing into my head. Oh how he had stood with that curious look on his face!

I shake violently from my cough, seems it has gotten even worse.

" Apologies" I mutter as I start my work. As I was peacefully completing my tasks, a short red head comes running in.

" Akutagawa!" He shouts with a gloomy expression on his face. " We will be working on this case together... with some members from the Armed Detective Agency."

My eyes light up, but I calm myself straight away. " Okay, who will we be working with and when?" I ask.

Chuuya sighs and replies, " Today at 12.00... with Dazai-" My heart skips a beat at the name of my former teacher, this is my chance to get him to acknowledge me! " -and Atsushi." Chuuya finishes.

My heart feels like it would explode. That name, the name of whom he fell for. Ah, he couldn't believe his ears. Today, he was going to be working with his former teacher and his crush. How could his day get any better?

At 11.45

I fix my hair and straighten my clothes, trying to calm my racing heart, although my cold glare does not show anything. Chuuya walks in and beckons me to follow him and we quietly make our way to the cafe we were supposed to meet up at. Chuuya filled me in with more details on the way. It was a dangerous case, therefore why the four strongest people had to come together to solve it.

At exactly 12.00, whilst me and Chuuya waited at the tables, Dazai and Atsushi walk in. For some reason, I am unable to tear my eyes off of the slender, grey- haired male, walking so majestically towards me.

Aah, heaven. I thought to myself.

" Good afternoon, hope we haven't been keeping you for too long" Dazai starts.

" Good afternoon, not as long as when you betrayed us." Chuuya replied instantaneously.

" Good afternoon, l- let's not fight, as we will be working together!" Atsushi tries to break the two hateful men up. They take a seat opposite us and Dazai and Chuuya carry on arguing without an end. All through this, I stare into his yellow and purple eyes, almost shaped like little diamonds. He stares back.

" Akutagawa... H- How have you been?" Atsuhi's voice is so relaxing and soft that it makes my dark heart melt, however my expression does not betray me.

" I'm fine, thank you. And how are you?" I reply in a well controlled voice.

For the rest of the time, we talk about the case and try to figure it out whilst downing some pizza and drinks.

After a long time

" That's enough for today!" Dazai says tiredly as he yawns and leans backward.

" I guess you are right." Chuuya sighs.

" Did you know?" Dazai started. " This was like a double date! Me with Chuyya and Akutagawa with Atsuhi!"
Confused and flustered, all of us stare at Dazai. Chuuya was just annoyed and Atsuhi was about to turn into a tomato.

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