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(Atsushi's POV)
Wednesday 7.30 am

I walk to the door of the Armed Detective Agency as usual. However, as I am about to touch the handle, everything in my body tells me not to and to turn around. At a loss, I force myself around to see the familiar dark eyes and wisps of black hair out of the window.

Unable to take my eyes off of this beautiful man, I stare at him like my eyes were glued to this man. His soft hair swaying slightly with the wind as he coughs softly into his pale hands before turning around to face me. Or so I thought.

Dazai san appears from behind me startling me out of my daze and loudly says " Yo Atsushi!"

" G- Good morning, Dazai san" I stutter unable to overcome the shock. Dazai san quickly catches on to me and follows my eyes through the window, his eyes narrowing as he spots the man, now no longer facing the window.

" ATSUSHI!" Kunikida san calls from his desk obviously in a rage. " You are late, as for the entire week! It's only Wednesday!"

" S- Sorry Kinikida san" I mutter a response as I place myself to my desk and start organising my work for the day. Kunikida comes besides me with a worried expression on his face, clearly showing how much he cared.

" Is anything bothering you? You have been dozing off and staring into space more often." He asks. " If there is anything, please don't burden yourself with it and share it with me or one you feel most comfortable with."

" I'm fine, really." I start to reply but Kinikida does not seem to believe me.

" Ever since that mission with Akutagawa. What happened? Please tell me." Kinikida protested.

I sigh and proceed to admit my feelings, " I don't really know how to explain this." I start off. " But ever since that mission, I just can't seem to stop thinking about him. He's like invading my mind, but in a good way?"

Kunikida gives me a relieved yet shocked look and begins to say-

" OOOOH~ Somebody's in love~" Yosano calls out as she had heard everything. Luckily the only other people were Ranpo san, who had dozed off and Kyouka, who had not heard anything. The others were supposedly off to work.

My eyes widened as everything starts to become crystal clear. " W- What? H- How?" I muster.

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