Hang on a little longer

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( Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 12.03 am

As I get ready to leave, someone starts banging on my door. Who can it be at this time of night? And are they trying to break down my door? I think as I walk over to see who it is.

I peek from my cameras, all I can see is grey hair and red. Oh so much red. Atsuhi. He's drenched in blood.

Quickly, I run to my door and yank it open to see the weretiger kneeling at my doorstep.

" Shit" I whisper. As I look around for what could have attacked him, I check his breathing. It's barely there, his barely breathing, his heartbeat is so weak. Carefully, I try my best to carry him inside my house, closing and triple locking my door behind me, and lay him on my white couch. Unfortunately, his blood gets everywhere and drowns my couch. Fortunately, my couch is stain proof.

Without hurting him as best as I could, I ripped open his shirt to see his injuries. A bullet hole in his right arm and left leg and a huge cut from shoulder to hip on his back. As I start to take the bullets out, I smell a faint stench coming from his wounds. It smells like...


The deadliest poison, it stops your ability and weakens all you muscles in a matter of an hour or so.

" How long have you been poisoned?" I whisper as I look at his unconscious face.


I have the antidote. But will it still work? He got about three doses of the poison. If one dose kills you in three hours, then three doses... He might already be well on his way to death... NO! Stop it! Don't think like that.

I rush back with the antidote and start applying the cream to his bleeding wounds. I had taken out the bullets and the cut on his back definitely needed stitches. Luckily, I had training on this sort of stuff so I stitched him really well. It was a complicated procedure, as a single mistake may cause him his life.

A few minutes passed and nothing changed. I had taken his blood drenched clothes off and changed him into one of my black t-shirts, although it was too big. Not knowing what to do, I called Chuuya. It was nearly 1.00am, he would be pissed but it wasn't like I had a choice.

" Akutagawa! Where are you?!" Chuuya screamed through the phone.

" Listen, Chuuya san, it's an emergency." I take a deep breath before carrying on. " The weretiger, he's at my house-"

" Oh so you finally had the courage to ask him out?" Chuuya interrupts.

" No! Listen! He came knocking on my door about an hour ago. He was bleeding like shit, god knows how much blood he lost. And when I was taking the bullets out, I realised he was poisoned. By the poison that cancels your ability." I carry on.

" WHAT?! Have you given him the antidote?" Chuuya asks hurriedly. " Stay at your house, I'm coming over."

" Yes, I have, but it's not doing anything!" I almost burst into tears.

" My boy, I'm coming, just stay close to him and count his heartbeat. It will take me less than 10 minutes." I can hear Chuuya rushing.

I go to Atsuhi's side and count his heartbeat. I can barely feel it. I bury my head next to him.

" Please, Atsushi, don't die on me. Please God, don't take him away from me just yet. Please..." I whisper.

" A- Aku.. t- ta... ga...wa"

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