Trouble Part 2

296 9 7

(Atsushi's POV)
Friday 12.01pm

Everything happened in a blur. My scream. Shadows. Akutagawa. My sweet Akutagawa. I snuggle into his arms a bit more: it'd addicting. The way his strong arms hold me tightly against his slender body. The way my silver hair and his jet black hair intertwine. The way he's whispering sweet nothings into my ear.

"I-I texted Chuuya, they should be here anytime now, w-we're going to be fine. You're going to be fine. You just need to stay conscious and keep breathing." His sweet voice trembled and broke with emotion.

"Aku..." My weak voice makes him hold me slightly tighter. "Thank you..."


"You're not going to die." My eyes widened as those words reach my ears. Such confidence and will in those words. They made me smile.

"And you were so intent on killing me just a few months ago?" I tease.

"Shut up." We both chuckle. We're idiots. We look like a freakshow, holding each other like there's no tomorrow, him pressing on to my wound- which has now slowed the bleeding significantly- and laughing even though we're both on the verge of tears.

"It's not fair." The way his voice cracks breaks my heart. I wish I had something, anything, of comfort to offer. But I don't. Something warm and wet trickles down my cheeks. Tears. But not mine...his. He's crying.

"You can't die..." He's at his breaking point. His strong body now feels weak and shivers around me.

"Hey, don't cry, Akutagawa..." Even though I know my words would do nothing to ease the pain that this beautiful man is feeling, I still offer. "I promise, whatever happens, we'll walk out of here with all of our limbs and a beating heart each."

He sniffles. His whole body shakes. He's crying. Ugly crying. Mustering up every ounce of strength I have left, I wrap my arms around his neck, cradling him. We fit so perfectly in each other's arms.

"Cry it out." He does. Akutagawa shakes with the force he uses to cry. His sobs tear me, as tears of my own waterfall down my face.

Every ragged breath that is taken, every sound of pain that is heard, every tear that is dropped, feel like a never ending void of despair. Our synchronised sobs echo around this dark, cold emptiness...

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