A fun encounter

373 11 6

(Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 9.02am

We have finally entered the wonderful colours and laughs of the arcades, where children and adults- both alike- play happily. The laughter and smiles seemed to have mixed the joy of playing games. Now I stand with Atsushi in front of such an amazing place...

"Woah..." His mesmerising eyes scan the place in front of us with such excitement that I let out a soft chuckle- too quiet to be left unnoticed, luckily.

"Well, shall we go in?" My voice has been sounding a lot softer nowadays. Only for him though...

"Yes!" His impatient steps bounced up with excitement. It made him look like a child I would give my whole life to protect him. I followed closely behind him as he admired every little detail of this arcade: from the screams of children to the individual pixel on every screen. A subtle smile settles on the thin of my lips as I stare at his joyous face, and the the way his hair flows as he moves his head side to side in wonder. Oh what I'd to be able to run my hand through his gorgeous hair...

"What game do you want to play first? I'll pay, so don't worry about money." His surprised face stares at me, his beautiful eyes shine as brightly as the sun, his rosy lips curve up in the most gorgeous smile I've ever seen. His eyes scour greedily around the entirety of the place, until it settles on one near the wall. He points to it. Cute.

"That one, please!" I nod and follow him. Flappy bird, huh? I insert a coin and watch him fumble at the buttons. Everything he's doing makes me love him even more. It's a bit crazy to remember that I was intent on killing this angel. I scoff at myself as those memories pop up in my head.

For the next two hours, we go around the whole arcade, trying new games, celebrating when we won and laughing when the other lost. It was bliss. I was enjoying my time with this man. The best time of my life. They way his eyes shined as his tinted pink lips curved upwards. He's perfect...what am I, a simp? For him, yes.

We decide that we should be heading back soon, to meet up with our seniors. As we walk out of the busy building, the soft breeze wraps us up instantly. The sky smiled down at us as we walked side by side along the nearly empty streets. It was such a peaceful moment. The silence was rather comforting after the loud of the arcade.

Atsushi screamed.

I snap my head towards his falling body and run towards him. Just before his body hit the floor, I cradle his weakened body in my arms. What the fuck? Can this man not have a peaceful day, ever?!

I realise that he's bleeding from his abdomen. I rip up a bit from the t-shirt I'm wearing and press it on his wound- hoping it would stop the bleeding. Then I look around for who did that. My eyes catch something.


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