Getting together

408 14 6

( Chuuya's POV)
Friday 6.50am

We wave bye to the younger duo and start walking as a shitty mackerel starts spouting nonsense.

"Hm, I can't wait to find a beautiful woman to do a double suicide with!" Dazai says happily as he walks beside me, his hands behind his head.

"For fuck's sake, is that all you care about?!" I shout at him as we carry on walking.

"Aw, does the short little ginger not want me to die?" The brunette sings.

"And what if I don't?!"

That stops the taller male in his tracks, his face full of surprise. Oh that beautiful face- wait what am I saying?!


"What?!" I try to ignore the little slip of my mouth. The truth was, I don't want him to die. He's too precious. However, I can't just tell him that, he'll think I have a crush on him! I mean, maybe I do? No! He's just my friend. Frenemy, yeah.

He doesn't reply. The awkward air hung about us as we continued to walk. I walked slightly in front and he trailed behind. I kept my focus on the sky, he kept his focus at his feet. We are the very opposite of each other. I need to stop thinking. This isn't helping, we should be doing what we told Akutagawa and Atsushi. We should be investigating. But I can't concentrate and this idiot's gone quiet. Fuck, I messed up. He hates me. He fucking hates me. Geez, why am I so stupid? Oh fucking hell, he definitely hates m-

"I like you Chuuya." He's soft voice snapped me out of my thoughts as my head turned to face him, my shocked face stared at his tinted red face.

"What?!" I exclaim, not really knowing what else to do.


" no no! That was not nothing! Tell me again! Say it to my face!" Fuck, I look desperate. But I fucking need to know if that's what he said! I need it to be what I heard. I take a few steps towards him, backing him into a wall.

"...I-I like you Chuuya!" He closes his eyes and speaks. "More than a friend! More than an ex-partner! Romantically!"

Fuck this.

I pulled him down by his collar so my eyes met his...And kissed him.

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