The last step

226 7 10

(Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 12.05pm

"H-how long has it even been?" My voice sounded weak and tired.

"God knows." Atsushi chuckled.

A moment of silence.

"If I do die-"

"Shut up." I glare at him for even thinking such useless and negative thoughts. You are not dying.

"Come on now, I can't even have my last wish?" The yellow and purple of his eyes glimmer like the radiant sun. Of course I'm going to melt if he looks at me like that.

"Fine." Why do I sound so grumpy? I don't know, maybe because the man I have fallen in love with is dying in my arms.

" do I say this?" The soft sound of his voice sounds melodic, even though it's laced with uncertainty and nervousness. He looks up at me. Fuck, the things I would do for him. He lifts his shivering hand and places it along my jawline. I don't push away nor move, my eyes furrowed in confusion as a light pink tint reaches my cheek.

"W-what is it?" I cough, my body shaking with the impact- way to ruin a moment, good job. "S-sorry."

"Shh." He sits up- wincing in pain, but sits up in my arms and his hand grasps around my cheek slightly more firmly. What is this feeling? Why's he looking at me like I'm precious? He's precious. I feel his warm, soft lips against mine. I let out a breathy gasp, holding him closer to me.

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⏰ Last updated: May 19 ⏰

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