A little comfort

688 19 6

(Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 7.23am

" It hurts, doesn't it?" I glance at the weretiger slightly just to catch his response. He's staring at me with his eyes so wide open, they look like they are about to pop out. He stays quiet as if waiting for me to carry on talking.

" To see children so happy, with their parents." I continue, looking down. I realise now that I have felt like this many times before, but maybe so did Atsushi. After all, we both didn't have parents growing up.

" ... I guess, but it's fine for them to have fun. Just because we- I didn't have the happy childhood, doesn't mean they shouldn't be able to enjoy theirs." Atsushi replies quietly, looking down at his clasped hands. They would look good holding my waist- WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!

" Jinko, look at me." I say after recollecting my thoughts. Hesitantly, he turns his head and his eyes find mine. " You are allowed to want things, to cry for things you never had." Tears start to build up in his two coloured eyes. " It's okay." His tears starts spilling down his pale face. I bring up my coat sleeve and wipe away his tears.

" Akutagawa! I- I wish that we both had happy childhoods with parents!" He says as the tears keep falling. Without warning, he grabs me and and pulls my head close to his chest. My heart starts beating so fast, it feels like it would break out of my chest any moment. I could hear Atsushi's heartbeat too, it was equally as fast. Finally, I wrap my skinny arms around his trembling body. We stay there for a few moments. Not moving. Not talking. Barely breathing.

After a few minutes, once he has calmed down, we pull off of each other. The silence goes from comforting to awkward. We don't make eye contact and neither of us can think of anything to say to break this uncomfortable silence.

" How are you feeling right now?" I break the silence. He looks at me and smiles a little before answering.

" A whole lot better, thanks to you."

I nod slightly and then stand up, not having a clear goal in mind. He looks at me before doing the same and starts stretching out his arms.

" Is there anywhere you want to go?" I ask and check my phone for the time. " We do still have over four hours left until we need to meet up with Dazai san." I look at him, awaiting his response.

" Hmmm." He puts his left index finger on his cheek, and looks up towards the sky, lost in thought. Suddenly, he flips his whole body towards me with a serious expression on his face. " I would like to know more about you!"

I blink. Then I blink again. Then a few more times. My eyes widened slightly as I realise what he just said. I could feel my cheeks burning up a little.

" Akutagawa? Are you okay? Your face is becoming red!" The slightly shorter male says as he proceeds to put the back of his hand against my forehead.

Startled by the sudden contact, I stumble backwards. Now I could feel my whole face becoming red. " I- I'm okay... Would you like to go to the library? We could find a quiet place to sit down and talk inside." I suggest without looking directly at him.

" That sounds great!" He says and begins to walk towards the library. I follow closely behind him.

After we get to the library and sit near the back, where there isn't anyone around

" Tell me about yourself. " The grey haired male repeats.

" Well, where do you want me to start from?" I look at his eyes, full of curiosity.

" Hmm, from that start!" He says, his eyes practically sparkling at this point.

" Well, as far back as I can remember, I used to live in the slums with my sister and some others kids."

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