A problem

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( Atsushi's POV)
Thursday 3.00pm

Another, long day at work and straight after that we are back on the case. We have found out the secret hiding spot of the secret organisation and we are going to attack tonight. Therefore, we are going home now to rest up before meeting up at [-----------] at 1.00am tomorrow.

" You better not be late, Dazai!" Chuuya says annoyingly.

" I was just about to say that, chibi." Dazai teases.

" Can you two please stop the flirting already?" Akutagawa walks past us and heads home without a glance back. So cool! I thought to myself.

" Come on then, better get going!" Dazai san beckons to me as he starts walking towards our apartments.

" Coming, Dazai san." I reply and follow him. I turn around to see Chuuya san walking the opposite direction angrily.

At 11.47pm

Someone knocks on my door gently. That must be Dazai san! I think as I walk towards the door. A shiver down my spine as I touch the handle, weird. Slowly, I begin opening the door and-


Three gunshots, one in my right arm, one in my left leg and one just above my head. Unable to do anything or even think, I fall to the floor and try to roll on the side. I reach over to my phone and message Dazai san about what's happening, well just " help", but it will do as I crawl behind my leather couch to try and activate my tiger healing abilities.

However, it's no use. There must be poison or something in this.

" Shit!" I whisper to myself as I look at the door to try and see who just shot. My eyes widened to see that there was nobody there. Not even a single trace of whoever just shot me. I waited a minute longer and decided to get up. Horrible mistake. Something like a black shadow caught my vision and it moved fast. I tried turning to see what it was and-


" A- AAAAAHHHHHGGGGGHHHHHH"I screamed as a knife cut open my back from shoulder to hip. Panicked and unable to do anything against this mysterious shadow that disappeared everytime it wasn't attacking, I ran.

Well, I tried to run. I half ran and half stumbled out of the door and down the stairs as fast as my legs could carry me. Turn into the tiger, dammit. I tried but was unable to turn any part of my body into a tiger.

" Fuck!" I shouted as I made my way through the cold night. Luckily it was a clear night, therefore the moon's light guided me. But where was I going? Ugh, I thought about all the places around me and came to the only conclusion. His house.

After a few minutes, my head started pounding as dizziness took over and an insane amount of pain hit my back. Was it the poison? Why is it affecting me now? I'm nearly there. What if I die before that? Stop thinking about this! Just think about how to get to his house!

Somehow, after what felt like hours, I reached his house and knocked hurriedly. " A- Aku... taga...wa" My voice was barely a whisper. I pounded on the door one last time before my legs gave up and my eyelids started drooping. The last thing I heard before losing consciousness was his door opening.

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