A break from fighting

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( Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 5.23am

We think about what Atsushi said for nearly five minutes.

" That could be the case, although we do not know enough about the secre- " I start talking when a rude Dazai san decides to interrupt.

" There is no need to make things more complicated. We can just take it easy here and rest." We all stare at him, baffled and unsure of what to say next.

" Are you fucking stupid?" Chuuya san breaks the silence. " They could attack us any moment!" Atsushi nods slowly, not saying anything. I agree with them.

" But they won't." A smug looking Dazai san replies. " At least not for the rest of today."

" We still have to think about what could happen though." Atsushi says urgently.

" You dumb mackerel, have you got any braincells left in that big head of yours?" Chuuya san stares angrily at Dazai san.

" Hmm, let's go on another double date!"

" What do you mean by another? And did you not hear anything Atushi or Chuuya san just said?" I ask a bit angrily now.

" We can go to the new buffet that opened last week at exactly 12.30pm today for lunch." Dazai san looks at us with a stupid grin on his face before planning out the rest of our day for us.

After a while

Firstly, we are going to the Cute Cafe for breakfast as soon as the clock hits 6. Then Dazai san and Chuuya san will try to find out more about the secret organisation whilst I take care of Atsushi, we are planning to go to the park. Then, at midday, we will be going to the French Buffet for lunch, meeting up with Chuuya san and Dazai san. After that, we are free to do anything until 7, then we go to some restaurant for dinner.

" What a tiresome day..." I sigh as I help Atsushi up from bed. " Maybe a trip to the shoe store would be good for you." I say when I realise Atsushi doesn't have any shoes.

" Aha, funny, I'll be fine." He looks down at his barely feet and then at me. I look away, a little embarrassed.

" I'll carry you to your flat, you can get changed out of my clothes." I say facing away from his beautiful face.

" And why would I do that?" He replies instantly. " I would love to keep wearing your clothes, they are so comfortable." Is he trying to make me blush?!

I just stare at him for a moment, before he's face starts to go red. Did you only just realise what you said?!

Deciding to ignore the comment, I use Rashoumon to help him on my back as we start walking towards his flat.

After entering Atsushi's flat

It was a mess. There was blood stains all over the floor, it stained the sofa and even the walls. Atsushi nervously laughed as I set him down.

" Uh, sorry for the mess, I promise it's not usually like this." He gives me a slight smile whilst scratching the back of his head. " I'll just get changed and be right back." He then proceeded to dash to his bedroom. Well, limp as fast as he could.

I looked around his flat one more time, finally deciding to clean this up as my OCD could not take it anymore. Summoning Rashoumon, I got warm water and soap, a sponge and bucket. Then I started scrubbing. It took me exactly nine minutes and forty- five seconds.

After putting everything away, I started to move the sofa back to its original spot. Finally, Atsushi came out wearing a white sweater and black cargo pants. His hair was damp. He took a shower.

" You can take a shower too, I'll bring some clothes for you." He dashes before I could protest. Although a shower doesn't seem like a bad idea.

He comes back holding a black turtle neck sweater and a pair of black jeans. " They are brand new and should fit you. Also, I tried to get something you would wear." He says nervously as he hands over the clothes. " Ah! And here's a towel, brand new. "

" How considerate..." I think outloud. I give thanks and take everything from his soft hands, and head towards the bathroom. It's a small space with a separate bathroom and toilet. The bathtub is near the window and has a light blue curtain.

I undress myself and leave my clothes in a pile infront of the door before stepping into the tub. I decide there's not enough time for a proper bath, so I just use the shower head. Then I use soap and shampoo, which is very neatly organised on the little wall stand.

After rinsing off the shampoo, I dry myself off and get out of the tub. He even gave me underwear, completely new.

Putting on the clothes, which I now realise is a perfect fit and makes my waist looked snatched, I pick up my dirty clothes and walk out. Atsushi is on the sofa, fidgeting with his hands.

" Thanks again for the clothes." I say.

" No no, I should be thanking you! Not only did you help me when I was injured, you also scrubbed my house squeaky clean! Thank you so much, Akutagawa." He replies as he stands up to face me. He then comes over, and wraps his arms around me.

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