A hint

756 22 2

( Dazai's POV)
Friday 5.00am

" Good work, chibi!" I exclaim as soon as we walk back into the maze and make our way to the medical room. Chuuya doesn't say anything but just glares at me with his ocean blue eyes. Dang it, I absolutely love him. I can't help but think.

As we walk in, our eyes open wide and out jaws drop to the floor as we see the two males we left alone less than an hour ago. Now they are laying snuggly with their hands wrapped each other on a bed on the other end of the room. I realise I've held my breath and start to breath as normal as I can after this shock.

Chuuya is staring so intensely. I just want to cup his cute little face into my hands. I break away from his beautiful face and start walking towards the sleeping boys. Chuuya follows closely behind me.

" Oooh~ What is this?" I say as the black haired male slowly opens his eyes.

" Huh, Dazai-san? Why is it so hot?" Akutagawa's black eyes searches around the room and slowly gets up. Finally his dark eyes settle on the white haired boy laying peacefully on his side. He jumps. I laugh at his confused expression.

" What the hell happened?" Chuuya finally speaks. Ah, his voice, just so captivating, I could listen to it for hours without an end.

" I- I was tending to his wounds when we heard some crashing sounds." Akutagawa starts. " I was going to go help, but he stopped me and started crying. I don't think I could have just left him."

Chuuya's face softens and he smiles. My heart melts.

" So~ Did you two do anything fun together?~" I chime as I nod towards Atsushi, still fast asleep. Chuuya instantly slaps me across my head and I stumbled nearly hitting the floor face first.

" What actual fuck is wrong with you?" Chuuya shouts and looks at me disgusted. Guess I deserve that.

" Ah, Chuuya san, you're bleeding." Akutagawa says as he hurriedly darts across the room and grabs bandages and bottles. " Let me help you."

I get up and sit in the nearest bed, watching Akutagawa's pale hands wrapping Chuuya up. His arms were bleeding. Two bullets had just scraped past. He doesn't wince. Not even once.

" Now we match shortie!" I say happily once they're done. They both look at me disappointedly and proceed to sigh deeply.

" Akutagawa?" Atsuhi's voice sounds hoarse. We all turn around and walk to Atsushi, who is now trying to sit up and is somewhat successful. Chuuya helps him and props his pillow so he doesn't fall.

" I'm right here." Akutagawa says softly as he reaches for Atushi's hand. Atsushi gladly takes it and looks at me then Chuuya.

" What happened out there?" He asks after a moment.

" The black shadows were there, they were shooting bullets at the speed of light. Luckily they weren't poisoned. " Chuuya starts.

" So that means only the man has the poison." Akutagawa says, practically talking to himself.

I nod and Chuuya carries on.

" They were avoiding Dazai, meaning they're an ability and Dazai can cancel it. We defeated them by hiding Dazai and getting them close together and Dazai touching them, taking them by surprise.

" We should be good for an hour or so." I say, proudly.

" They seem pretty persistent. May take a lot more to just ware them out." Chuuya says looking down now.

" I'm sorry everyone." Atsushi's voice is barely a whisper. " I didn't mean to hurt you all and burden you all like this."

" Are you seriously coming back to this?" Although Chuuya sounds annoyed, he cares. " Listen, we got involved because we wanted to do. Akutagawa could have easily kept his door shut and left you to die. But he didn't, so why don't you just stop spouting nonsense and respect our choices?"

Atsushi looks dumbfounded. Not knowing what to say next, he looks down and starts to fidget with the blanket.

After a moment, he speaks again.
" Uhmm, the secret organisation, are they connected with the black shadows or the man in any way?"

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