Who did this?!

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( Akutagawa's POV)
Friday 1.34am

" Y- yes Atsushi, it's me, Akutagawa. " I whisper instantly. His eyes seem unfocused and his lids droopy, yet he tries with everything left of him to stay awake.

" W- water... please." He tries to speak. I use rashoumon to get him a glass of warm water from the tap and help him get up for him to drink. He nearly falls down, but I catch him and gently place him on my sofa again, now cleaned and blood free.

" Chuuya will be here soon, just hang on and try stay awake. " I say hoping it will comfort him. I would call Dazai but I don't have his number and Atsushi doesn't seem to have his phone with him. Luckily, Chuuya calls and says he's here. He rushes in and looks at Atsuhi, completely shocked by what he's seeing.

"Shit, this is real bad..." He says after a while. " Rub a bit more of the antidote to all his wounds. I'll be borrowing your kitchen."

" Okay. But what will you be cooking?" I get straight to work.

He doesn't answer and I don't ask him again. As I'm applying the cream, Atsushi winces, making me go slower. Dang it, I just can't watch him in pain.

After 15 minutes or so, Chuuya comes with a big bowl of a sort of soup.

" Can you get him to drink this?" He asks as he hands me over the bowl and a spoon.

" I'll try..." I say as Chuuya holds Atsushi up very carefully. Atsuhi's eyelids are open but his eyes are lifeless, he looks like an empty shell of what he was.

" Atsuhi, open wide and drink this, okay?" I say as I move a spoonful towards him.

" It may not taste the best but it will stop the pain and slow down the poison further." Chuuya says as Atsushi takes the first bite and swallows it down.

Slowly but surely, I fed him every last drop of the medicine soup. Although I could tell that it was hard for him to swallow it, he still did. And I'm glad he did.

" Who even did this?" I wonder.

" And where did they find the poison? Only a little was made and locked up somewhere safe. Even the Port Mafia doesn't have any, we have the biggest poison room in the whole world. He looked at me, and smiled a bit reassuringly. I just looked at him and couldn't stop myself from going into his arms and start bursting into tears.

" Will Atshushi be okay?" My voice barely a whisper.

" Of course, my boy, the antidote will work and my soup will speed things up. Although three doses may take three days to heal." He looked at me comforting me with his eyes. I looked at Atsushi and just prayed for his health.

After a few minutes, Chuuya's phone rang. Dazai. Ah, I had forgotten about our plan.

" Chuuya, where the fuck are you? I have been waiting for nearly an hour! Atsushi isn't here either, when I went to his apartment, I just found the door unlocked but his phone was inside." Dazai asks.

" Well... First things first, the plans off." Chuuya starts hesitantly. Dazai sighs in annoyance. " Atsushi, he's with us... he's injured really, really bad. He's been poisoned and his ability is stopped. We are at Akutagawa's house right now. "

" I'm coming." Dazai said before he cut the call.

" Why don't you put Atsushi to your bed and get him a few blankets whilst I wait for the idiot to come?" Chuuys suggests.

I pick Atsushi up, bridal style, and take him to my room. Carefully, I place him down on my king size bed and cover him with three blankets. For a moment, I just stare at him and then... I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek.

AAAAAAAAH. I scream inside. What did I just do? Oh my god, oh my god. I hope he forgives me.

Someone knocks on the door, as I am about to leave Atsushi. Weird. It would have been too fast for Dazai, but otherwise who would it be?

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