A sign

924 21 4

( Chuuya's POV)
Friday 1.58am

I had Akutagawa to tend to Atsushi in his room, so that I could gather my thoughts. Before I could get anything in order, someone knocks on the door. Dazai? No way, they would be too quick.

I reach to my phone and call him.

" Did anything happen Chuuya? It's gonna take me just less than five minutes." Dazai answers.

" Someone's knocking on the door. " Chuuya answers as Akutagawa appears behind him.

" I'll check the cameras." The black haired male looks and his eyes widened. " There's no one there."

A moment of silence passes. The knocking stops. None of us dare to even take a breath. Then-

" There's someone there! He took off something that made him invisible." Akutagawa's voice is barely a whisper. I rush to the cameras to see a man, with long black hair leaving a letter on the door step before wearing a coat. However, the coat made him invisible.

" Chuuya? I'm on the road. No ones at the door, just a letter. Should I come in?" Dazai asks through my phone.

" Dazai san, would you mind reading the letter whilst I make sure he is gone?" Akutagawa asks.

" Sure." Dazai walks up to the door and opens the letter. Then he begins reading." I know that the weretiger is with you right now. I will not be coming to get him until after tomorrow. You can hide all you want, but that boy is mine. And I will get him back."

I sigh and head for the door, I turn to see Akutagawa nod before I let the tall brunette in.

" What's the plan?" He asks as soon as the door is shut.

" This guy has two weaknesses." Akutagawa speaks. " He is only invisible when he is wearing the cape, meaning he is not always invisible. Second, he wants the weretiger, bad."

" How is the second a weakness?" I ask, a little confused.

" Because that means the guy has to defeat all of us to get to him, shorty." Dazai says with a foolish grin on his face.

" Not exactly, Dazai san. It means that we can bribe him for Jinko" Akutagawa corrects him.

" That's my boy!" I say and side eye Dazai.

" But for now, his health comes first." Akutagawa's serius face falls and an endlessly worried look takes over his face.

We walk in the room where Atsushi was now sleeping. His skin is deathly pale, there were dark bags under his eyes and he reeked of poison, blood and antidote. Poor guy, I thought to myself.

" Why are his tiger healing abilities not working?" Dazai asks.

" A poison, it stops your gift." I answer quietly.

We sit around and take turns watching over Atsushi. After a while, on my shift, Atsushi moves his hand and his eye lids start to twitch open.

" Akutagawa! Dazai!" I call. " He's waking up!"

The two men come running in as Atsushi opens his eyes fully, taking in his surroundings.

" W- Where am I?" He asks.

" Still my house, just in my bed now. " Akutagawa answers. " How are you feeling right now, Jinko?" Atsushi makes an attempt to get up, clearly failing and Dazai holding him up to a more comfortable position. We gave him some time and then started asking him some questions.

" Did you see him?" I ask.

" N- no. When I opened the door, no one was there." He replied trying to recall more informatiom .

" What exactly happened?" Dazai asks as he brings him a glass of water.

" I was about to get out when somebody knocked on the door. So I opened it, thinking it was Dazai san. T- Then I got shot in my leg and my arm. I tried running away but my whole body felt like it wasn't functioning. I wasn't able to turn into a weretiger. And then, then something slashed me." He told us, now shivering at the thought. Akutagawa went to him and hugged him loosely as to not hurt him at any point.

" There were some black shadows..." Atsushi's voice was barely a whisper.

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