Another enemy

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( Atsushi's POV)
Friday 3.03am

" I think, they were, like, moving around." I say as they continued to stare into my face, requesting more information.

" Was there anything odd about them?" Dazai san asks, with a completely serious face. I try to recall what had happened and stayed silent for a short while. Although I didn't remember really well.

" Ah!" I start and everyone looks in my direction. " The black shadows were all around the room, yet they were avoiding the door." These words seems to put them at a loss.

" I think we should start by taking you to your doctor lady." Chuuya says, looking defeated.

" And then-" Akutagawa starts saying something but the windows shatter instantly. The glass, now broken into tiny shards, flew across the room, scratching all of us. After a second of confusion, we saw what caused this.

Black shadows.

" I thought they weren't coming till after tomorrow!" Akutagwa uses rashoumon to carry me when I struggle to get up. Then we start running, well, they start running as I'm being carried.

" No, he said he wasn't coming until after tomorrow." Dazai corrects.

" What's that supposed to mean?" Chuuya san asks, clearly annoyed by all this nonsense.

" We are fighting with two enemies." Dazai finishes. We stare at him as he speaks, all in disbelief.

I have two enemies. And they all want me. Maybe, we should just give myself in. That way, maybe Dazai san, Akutagawa and Chuuya san won't get as hurt. I am about to speak-

" Where we headed?" Akutagawa asks.

" The port." Chuuya answers.

Whilst they run, I'm stuck thinking about my options. I think I should give myself in, that will make things a lot easier and more convenient. I turn to look at the other men, all now getting out of breath, after running for nearly 15 minutes, it may take another 10 minutes to get to the port.

An unknown feeling washes over me, I look at the face of the man's back I'm on. Akutagawa was just a bit taller than me with a more fit build. He's hair was a midnight black that faded into a soft white. I don't know what I am thinking, and I lay my head against his neck, which makes him tense up a little. He quickly uses rashoumon to wrap me around his body so that I was comfortable and continued running.

I decided it was best to talk about letting them catch me at the port. I had a feeling it would be better that way. Also, I wanted to stay in this position, even if its just a bit longer. How selfish I have become, I think to myself.

We finally arrive into the port as the sun starts to rise, colouring the sky a deep red fading into the deep blue of the night before. Chuuya tells us to follow him through a maze around all the ships and storage boxes until we reach a red box with a staircase inside.

" Y- You can put me down now..." I say as they start climbing stairs. Although Akutagawa doesn't say anything, his glare seem to say, you rat, you think you can walk after all that?

As we reach the bottom of the dark, rusty stairway, another maze awaits us. Chuuya leads the way. A stench makes its way up my nose.

" Chibi where have you brought us?!" Dazai hisses. " Are you trying to kill us?"

" It's probably because this passage has not been used for a long, long time." Chuuya answers, swinging open a door which seems to have once been a medical room.

" Atsushi and Dazai will stay here, whilst me and Akutagawa fight them." Chuuya explains the plan and we listen intently. However, I force myself to say the words I have been dreading.

" I- I think we s- should give me in..." I whisper.

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