Daddy Looks For A Job

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Frank's POV

I've been looking in paper and the internet for jobs. Gerard and I are living on our money I made from my last job.

I had to quit all I did was sit in a room. Made good money, but I hated it.

Gerard had been so supportive, but he also pushes me towards looking for a new job because he said "we mope to much".

Which honestly we do, but love it. We moved in together in a nice apartment after high school and we're still together since freshman year. I Iove him to death.

"Daddy!!" I hear Gerard shout as he runs out of his room with a pastel pink skirt on and a white sweater on.

"Hey kitten, what's up?" I ask sitting on the sofa, letting him jump on my lap.

"Daddy do you know where my sockies are?" Gerard ask as he leans over to the side of me, falling to the side of the sofa.

"Um, I did laundry, they're probably in the dryer." I said as Gerard jumps off the sofa and runs to the laundry room.

I sigh and get off my lazy butt and go get dressed. I have two interviews today, they're not until noon so I have time to drive Gerard to art class for college. I'm so proud of him, he likes to paint and honestly I love to see him go to collage for something he loves.

I pull on a Black Flag shirt and black skinny jean.

"Okay ready to go Daddy!" Gerard walks in our room with grey knee socks on and his pink book bag. He plops down on the bed and lets me find my shoes and socks.

"Daddy, will you remember to wear something nice to your interviews?" Gerard asks as he kicks his feet.

"Yes kitten, Daddy is going to wear something nice. Okay?" I said pulling on my red converse.

"Also we have a huge project we have to bring home, so I'm going to bring home a huge art piece I did." Gerard smiles.

"Daddy would love to see his little kitten's art." I said grabbing my keys.

"Come on kitten let's go." I said as Gerard jumps off the bed and runs to the door.

"Hey, now wait." I said sternly at Gerard, as he backs away from the door.

"Have you brushed your teeth?" He nods and smiles.

"Brushed your hair? Clean clothes on? Made your bed?" He nods furiously and smiles.

"Where's your water bottle?" I asked as his smiles drops.

"Oh shoot." He snaps his fingers and grabs his water bottle from the fridge.

"Wait." I say as Gerard looks up at me.

"Where's my mornin' lovin'?" Gerard smiles and wraps his arms around me and gives me a nice kiss.

"Okay, let's go Daddy." He skips to the door.

We take the elevator down stairs to the garage where our car is.

I put on Jinx Removing by Jawbreaker in the car. Gerard hums lightly as he takes his iPhone from his book bag.

Gerard goes to school at 9:30 and gets of at noon and his college was close enough for me to drive him.

"Daddy!" Gerard shouts as I snap out of my thoughts.

I look around and we're in the parking lot a his school.

"Sorry for raising my voice Daddy you..weren't paying attention.." Gerard mumbles the last part.

"Oh kitten, Daddy is sorry... Daddy has a lot on his mind I'm sorry " I say as Gerard blushes.

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