Princess Hole

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Frank's POV

Ever since Gerard said he liked my scruff I didn't shave. I didn't know a little scruff turned him on so much.

"Daddy please I promise I'll tell you if it hurts." Gerard pleaded.

"Baby Daddy doesn't wanna hurt your pretty little bum." I smiled at Gerard.

"Daddy I like it when you hurt my bum, please! My princess parts are all leaky Daddy please." Gerard whine.

He looked down at the bulge in his panties. Wearing nothing, but my shirt and panties.

"Okay, but I want you to get dressed up for Daddy." I gave in. it would be really hot.

"Yay! I'll dress up Daddy, anything you want." He smiled.

"Go put on Daddy's little kitten outfit. No touching yourself." Gerard smiled then nodded and went to his room.

I smiled. I never ate Gerard out before I don't know why he wants to do it now, but the thought is getting me hard.

I unzipped my pants amd pulled them off, leaving me in boxers and a shirt. I squeezed myself through my boxers and let out a moan.

"Daddy? I'm done Daddy can I come out?"

"Yeah baby let daddy see his good boy."

Gerard walked into the living with his pink cat ears and his pink cat buttplug with his pink cat paws over his hands. He blushed as I looked over him, he had on his cat collar with the bell on it. Not even wearing underwear letting his pink hard cock twitch in the opened.

"Daddy princess parts." Gerard pleaded.

"Right, come over here baby." Gerard obeyed and walked over to me on the sofa.

"Face that way and knees on the sofa." I said.

Gerard kneeled on the seats of the sofa and placed his arms on the back facing away from the TV.

"Spread pretty kitty." I ordered.

Gerard whimpered and spread out his legs and wiggled his juggley bum.

"Fuck baby you get Daddy so fucking hard." I moaned.

"Daddy please eat out my princess hole." Gerard pleaded.

I smiled and grabbed Gerard's left ass cheek squeezing it.

I pulled out his plug half way and slammed it back in. He whimpered once I pulled it out completely.

I pulled his cheeks away from each other, seeing Gerard's pink hole. Fuck, I was leaking I knew it.

I smirked and licked a line over him.

"Ah, Daddy." Gerard whimpered.

I smiled and licked his hole over and over as he whimpered and whined. His sounds going directly to my hard leaking cock.

I pulled his ass cheeks farther once I pushed my tongue inside him. So fucking tight, I could feel how tight he was around my tongue. He moaned loudly as I squeezed his cock and continued to suck and lick his pink hole.

"Daddy please can I come, daddy you tongue feels so good." Gerard pleaded. I hummed and picked up the pace and stroked his cock.

"Oh, fuck Daddy." Gerard moaned. His noises got louder and higher, as I kept my pace. I pulled my face away and pushed my fingers in him. He pushed his hips back on my fingers and moaned.

"Ah, Daddy I'm gonna cum." Gerard whimpered as he released on my hand and all over our sofa. I slowly pulled out my fingers as I milked his cock.

"Daddy's going to fuck that sensitive pink hole." I moaned and pulled down my boxers.

"Daddy please my princess hole needs you." Gerard whined spreading his ass cheeks. His hole was just so tight and pink, I could cum just looking at it.

I smiled and pushed the head of my cock into him. He squeaked as I pushed inside.

"Fuck so tight." I moaned.

Gerard whimpered and pushed down against me letting all of my cock slid in.

"Oh fuck baby." Gerard was so hot and tight it was fucking heaven when I felt all of him around me.

He started to pushed away, but I grabbed his hips slamming him back against me. Seeing his cute little pink cat ears bounced as he rode my cock.

"Daddy!" He cried and pushed against me making me move back a little. he wiggled down on me and made a loud moan. He whimper as he continued to ride my cock, I heard his little belt ring everytime he pushed against me.

"Daddy I'm going to come again." Gerard whimpered.

"Fuck baby I'm so close." I moaned as Gerard whimpered. I reached around him and stroked his cock fast and hard, squeezing at times.

"F-Fuck daddy." Gerard breathlessly moaned. He clenched around me, enough to make me cum deep inside him with a groan.

"Fuck fuck Daddy Frankie." he whimpered and released again as I continued to stroke him.

I pulled out and Gerard fell over next to his cum.

"You're so fucking hot." I smiled and leaned down to kiss him.

I felt him smiled through the kiss, I tugged on his lip and he moaned.

"Thank yoy Daddy, I love you." Gerard smiled and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"I love you too little kitten." I smiled and kissed his cheek.

"Daddy I want to watch spongebob with you!" he whimpered.

"Okay okay let Daddy go get some clothes for us and I'll cook you some dino nuggets huh?" I smiled down at Gerard.

"With strawberry milkies?" he asked.

"With all the strawberry milkies you want." I confirmed.

"Yay!" Gerard giggled as he kicked his feet.

I smiled and walked out to the TV putting on Gerard's spongebob CD.

I looked back at Gerard seeing him zone out on the TV.

I walked back into our room putting on boxers and a shirt, getting Gerard panties and one of my shirts.

I walked back and put Gerard's clothes on the back of the sofa, going to the kitchen to grab a wet rag.

Once I cleaned up Gerard's come off the sofa and put Gerard's clothes on him I cooked him up his dinosaur nuggets with Star Wars mac and cheese.

I put it all on his Hello Kitty plate and set it on his lap and sat down next to him with vegan lasagna on my plate.

"Thank you Daddy!" Gerard gasped and curled next to me.

"You're welcome my little angel." I kissed his forehead and ate some lasagna with my princess.

Here you go, it hasn't even been 24 hours I know. I'm on a fucking roll you guys. Thanks for the comments and the votes it means so much to me you guys like this.

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