Don't Put A Tube In Me

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Frank's POV

It was 2 am when I heard crying next to me. 

It's now 2:39 am and Gerard and I  are in the emergency room, waiting for a doctor.

When I woke up to Gerard crying, he said he threw up and his head hurt. It must have been terribly bad, because he was crying so hard. I checked his temperature, he had a 101.5 fever.

He sat in my lap wrapped in his pink kitty blanket.

"Gerard Way?" I voice echoed through the room.

I lead him to the doctor, with many whimpers of protest.

The doctor gave us a room all to ourself and told Gerard to put on the hospital grown.

Of course that was my job, and it wasn't easy.

"Come on baby boy, I know it hurts put your arms through here." I sighed as Gerard winced at his movements.

"D-Daddy my head h-hurts." Gerard whined as I tied the straps in the back.

"I know baby, the doctors here will make you better, okay?" I said as I sat in the chair next to Gerard's bed.

"Tummy feels funny." Gerard said as he rubbed his stomach.

"You should try and lye down baby, if you need to throw up we've got our own bathroom." I said scooting closer to the bed.

"Daddy c-can you rub my tummy?" Gerard pouted as he reached out to grab my hand.

I smiled and took his hand in mine, reaching over with my free one and gently rubbing Gerard's tummy.

I watched Gerard's eyelids slowly close as I continued to rub his stomach.

The peaceful moment was ruined when the doctor came in.

"So how are you Gerard?" I didn't like doctors, and I defiantly didn't like this guy.

"He's not doing so great, that's why we're here." I smiled sarcastically at him as he was checking Gerard's temperature.

"Y-Yes right, so he still has a fever 101.5, had he been drinking enough water? Eating enough food?" The doctor asked scribbling on his clip board.

"Gerard?" I asked sternly.

"I haven't be keeping up with water to much lately." Gerard admitted.

"We'll okay, we're going to do some tests, but for now I'm going to give you an IV since you probably haven't had enough water." the doctor miled.

"W-What's an IV?" Gerard asked timidly.

"I'm going to put some fluids in your vein to hydrate you."

"You're going to put a needle in me?" Gerard's face showed pure panic.

"Well its more of a tube..." The doctor trail off.

"You're going to put a tube in me?!" Gerard painced increased.

"Gee, it's okay. I'm right here, just look at me." I smiled at Gerard as his breaths started to shorten.

"F-Frankie he's gonna put a tube in me." He whined.

"I know baby, I'm right here though. It won't hurt, just look at me." I smiled calmly at him as the doctor was setting up the HIV.

"I'm very sorry, but this is such a easier and quicker way to hydrate you, sweetheart." The doctor said waiting for permission to continue.

I gave him cold looks once 'sweetheart' came out of his mouth.

"Alright don't look at it and you'll be fine."

"Princess look at me, wanna see the picture of Mitch and I again?" I smiled sweetly at him.

He giggled and nodded, he knew which picture I was talking about.

I opened my phone to gallery and  pulled up the picture of Mitch standing on my face in our bed.

Gerard giggled as I zoomed in on my face.

"You're doing great sweetie." I smiled as Gerard winced at the feeling.

He whimper and took a hold of my hand, gribbing it tightly.

"Frankie it feels tingly." Gerard pondered.

"Done. Now I need you to open your mouth for another text."

4 tests later and Gerard was feeling much better, just a little hungry since they took a little blood.

They said he had a very bad chase of the flu, and just to keep an eye on him.

He seemed so much better once we got home to Mitch curled up in our bed.

"Daddy, I was a very good boy today." Gerard smiled sweetly as he played with Mitch.

"Yes you were, does my little plum need a reward for being such a good boy?" I smiled.

"Yes yes yes! I think I need cuddles and pretty clothes." Gerard giggled.

"Tomorrow, you're in bed today, so you can get cuddles now." I said as I settled back into bed with Gerard and Mitch.

"Can we watch cartoons?" Gerard pouted.

"Pretty please?" He batted his eyelashes.

"How could I say no to such a pretty little face." I chuckled as I pinched Gerard's cheek lightly.

Gerard giggled and reached for the remote.

hey guys im sorry im so bad at updating, school is getting a little harder and im getting a little lazier, also today as been very emotional for me. i wanted to make someone smiled today so i updated this chapter. i actually had to go to the hospital not to long ago and get a IV in me. it was terrible, just do yourself a favor and take care of yourself. drink water, eat heathly. anyway anyone who would like to join me in playing bowie very loud, please do so. (also btw there's probably some mistakes in this i wrote it in like an hour) -xoxoh

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