Baggy Hoodies

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Frank's POV

Gerard had been or more of haven't been... Gerard.

He wears my baggy hoodies and the only pair of black pants he has. He comes home from school and barely eats, then goes to bed. I thought he was sick so I check his temperature, but it was normal. He doesn't even call me daddy anymore, not even Frankie. Just Frank. Sure it's nice to hear it sometimes, but not all the time.

He was depressed. That's what it was. So a week gone by I thought if I let him be sad for a little while he get it out of his system. Yet still he isn't himself. He hasn't even picked up Morrissey in 5 days. He doesn't really want to be touched either so when I try and kiss him he makes it as short as possible. He started sleeping in his room too. I just happened to wake up one night and notice Gerard was gone so I went to look for him and he was fast asleep in his bed. So it's the weekend and I'd thought I'd talk to him about it because I miss him. This isn't Gerard, Gerard is happy, he glows. He makes me smile by smiling.

So I settled on making pancakes since it's Gerard's favourite breakfast and hopefully he'll eat it.

I walked in Gerard's room. Knocking on the door letting him know I was coming in.

"Frank?" I saw Gerard curled up on his bed with a red nose and watery eyes.

"Baby are you okay?" I asked setting down his plate on the nightstand.

He shook his head and went farther down the covers, as tears flowed.

"Hey baby it's okay." I sat next to him and he sat up. He curled him in my lap and began to cry. This was the most contact I've had all week.

"Babyboy you wanna tell Daddy what's up?" I asked rubbing his back as he sobbed.

"I don't want you to leave me." He said and cried further.

"Daddy would not leave you." I said and kissed his head, rocking him back and forth. I let him cry to let it all out as I rocked him and kissed his head. He began to slow down and soon he stopped, looking up and me. Meeting my eyes, then quickly dropping them.

"Tell Daddy what's up princess." I said.

He nodded, but bit his lip and began to naw on it. I kissed his cheek, and slid my thumb over his bottom lip. He stopped chewing on it and sniffled.

"This is my last year of college so soon I'll have to find a job, and I don't want to do big boy stuff! It's going to be dumb and I'll I want is Daddy! I d-didn't think you'd still love me if I became a big boy. So I stopped, and without my skirts and knee sock, I feel like my body is ugly. I feel ugly, so I was thinking you'd find me ugly and leave. I couldn't bare going day by day without you Daddy, but I'm not good enough for you." Gerard rubbed his pixie nose and wiped his eyes.

"Baby you're always going to be my baby. You're always going to be mine and I'm always going to be your Daddy. You're beautiful, with or without the skirts and the knee socks, they just make you comfortable baby. I love you, and whatever you decide to do with your college diploma is not up to me. If you wanna move to New York to become an artist, we will. If you just want to stay home and make art, you can. If you want to look for art galleries, baby do it. I love you, and everyday I wake up to see you happy to see you smile and when you don't, that hurts. I want my baby to be happy. My baby happy makes me happy." I said and pulled Gerard closer.

"Really Daddy?"

"Really." I agreed and pushed his hair behind his ear. I pressed a light kiss to his forehead and he giggled. I smiled and wrapped my arms around Gerard, squeezing him. He soon pushed away and made graby hands towards his pancakes.

"Princess wants his pancakes?" I asked and Gerard nodded. I grabbed the plate and put it on Gerard's lap.

"Please call Daddy again." I said.

Gerard took at bite of his pancakes and smiled.

"Daddy. Daddy Daddy Daddy my Daddy." Gerard giggled and kicked his feet that were dangling.

"My baby boy feels any better?" I asked rubbing his back as he took another bite.

"Yes daddy, thank you." Gerard smiled.

"My baby boy wanna take a bath with Daddy?" I asked.

Gerard nodded and kept eating.

Okay sorry this is so short and took so long babes I started school and it's alot, but don't worry after a week or so I'll be a little quicker with updates -xoxohnnh

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