I'm So Lucky to Be Alive

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Frank's POV

House hunting is the worst.

Especially by yourself, I would ask Gerard to come, but he's been very little lately and I'm scared I'm gonna lose him in one of the houses or something.

Coming home to little Gerard was actually fucking amazing. He was adorable and all he wanted to do was color and sit in my lap.

Gerard of course wasn't working, I don't think he could handle being an adult for that long. It didn't matter anyways, I had gotten a raise at the store and I dipped into my saving account that made while I was making good money at my shitty desk job.

It was more than enough for a house for Gerard and I. I haven't found the perfect house for us yet though.

"Daddy! I wanna watch cartoons!!" Gerard whined in my lap.

"What does my little kitten wanna watch?" I asked grabbing the remote from the coffee table.

Gerard snuggled in to his blanket more and shrugged.

"You decided, Daddy." He mumbled and hugged Morrissey closer to him.

"How about that cute anime with the cat?" I asked.

Gerard gasped and nodded quickly.

I smiled and selected an episode.

"Daddy, Daddy how do you do that?" Gerard asked looking up at me.

I frowned and looked down at him, all curled up in my lap with his pink cat blanket and Morrissey, wearing his kitty oneise.

"Do what sweetheart?" I asked smiling.

"Be so pretty!" Gerard giggled and poked at my cheek.

"What? Daddy's not pretty, you're the one who's pretty baby." I chuckled lightly at him.

"No Daddy's pretty too!" Gerard said taking my hand and setting it on his cheek.

I smiled and stroked his cheek with my thumb.

"You're prettiest baby boy." I said

"Daddy I'm the princess, and the princess is always right so sh." Gerard giggled and nuzzled into my hand.

"Alright alright, my little pretty princess is always right." I said and kissed the top of his head.

Gerard soon fell asleep and that ment I had time to house hunt before he woke up and needed some attention.

I tried so hard to move him off my lap without waking him, but he opened his eyes as soon as I lifted him off me.

"Daddy no!" he whined and wrapped his arms around my neck.

"Little one, Daddy's gotta go do adult stuff." I said rubbing Gerard's back.

"Daddy no!" He pouted and held on to me tighter.

"You wanna play with your toys in Daddy's study while he does big boy stuff?" I asked.

"Yes!!" Gerard giggled and jumped off my lap.

Soon he pulled about half of his toys into my study and I laid out his play mat out for him as he colored and played with his stuffies.

Few hours later I found a nice house not to far from work and not to far from the mall and pretty close to Mikey's house.

I decided I was gonna go see it tomorrow and take Gerard, because I had a feeling about it.

"Daddy I'm hungry..." Gerard mumbled and held Morrissey closer.

"What does my princess want to eat then?" I asked smiling down at him.

"Cookies!" Gerard cheered.

"No baby, its gotta be real food first." I said.

"But Daddy I want cookies." Gerard pouted and crawled over to me and held my leg.

"Do you want to go to a restaurant or stay home?" I asked petting Gerard's hair lightly.

"I dunno." Gerard mumbled.

"We could go to that little vegetarian restaurant that you like." I suggested.

"That sounds good." Gerard agreed.

"Alright baby go put on some clothes." I patted his head and dismissed him to go change.

Once we got home after the restaurant, Gerard had just a little too many drinks. He was slightly drunk, stumbling occasionally. He doesn't really drink often, but tonight he seemed to really enjoy some wine.

"Daddy! Did you find us a house yet?" Gerard asked.

"We're going to see it tomorrow sweetheart, so my little baby has got to get himself in bed." I said as a pulled Gerard towards our bedroom.

"Daddy you're so hot." Gerard snickered.

"Bed now." I demanded as Gerard pouted his way over to the bed.

"Daddy jammies!" He said as I fished out the item of clothing he was whining about.

I finally got Gerard in bed sleeping. It's wasn't too late only 11pm, so I decided to write a little before going to bed.

I haven't written in a while, but given the circumstances I thought I should.

'I was utterly in love with this boy.

I loved the way he laughed and giggled. I loved the way he still talks out of the side of his mouth. I love his pixie nose, and his hazel eyes.

I loved the way I can hold him, it makes me feel safe.

I used to think love hit you in the face like it did with Gerard. I thought love would always be your heart beating fast, your tummy butterflies, the sparkle when your lips first touch.

I thought it was always that way, but it's not.

Not always.

It's more of a hum, a warm homey feel. Your heart swells and your head spins, in a good way.

You feel at home when you're with them, you feel safe. You feel so good to be alive, breathing next to them.

I'm so lucky to love Gerard, I'm so lucky to be alive. Breathing next to the person I was ment to be with.'

look! i updated. its 5am and i haven't slept yet, so there's a lot of mistakes in here, but at least i wrote it. ah did you guys miss me? hope so,, -xobxcr

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