Morrissey is A Pink Stuffed Cat

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Frank's POV

I woke up the next morning with Gerard curled up in his nighty gown with lace on the ends. I held Gerard in my arms, he squirmed and his eyes fluttered open.

"Mmh Daddy?" Gerard mubbled rubbing his eyes.

"Good morning my beautiful princess." I smiled as I kissed Gerard's forehead lightly as Gerard gived a dopey smile back.

"Mmh hungry." Gerard whined.

"Okay princess upy time then." I said lifting Gerard up off the bed bridaly style. Gerard giggled and kissed my cheek. I carried him to the bathroom for a shower.

"Can you take a shower by yourself like a big boy for Daddy?" I asked as Gerard nodded but held on to me tighter.

"Daddy's going to set you down okay?" I asked as Gerard nodded. I let Gerard down, he wrap his arms around me and kissed my bare chest.

"Mm love you Frank." Gerard blushed.

That's the first time in awhile he'd use my real name.

"I love you too Gerard." I said smiling.

"Okay shower time!" I cheered as Gerard gave me an evil glance.

"Coffee and food will be done when you get out." I chuckled as Gerard smiled.

"Okay Daddy.." Gerard blushed as I slid off his nighty's straps letting his nighty fall off his body and on to the floor. He wrapped his arms around his stomach and looked at his feet.

I hated when he did that,he hates his stomach.

I pulled off his arms his stomach and lifted his chin up.

"You're gorgeous princess." I said as Gerard smiled and pecked my lips.

"Get out daddy I'm a big boy I can do it myself." Gerard smiled as he pushed me out of the bathroom.

I giggled and let Gerard shut the door, I walked to the kitchen starting to make eggs. I put a drop of red food dye to make the eggs a pastel pink, since its Gerard's favorite color. I let the eggs sit and put the toast in the toaster, then I grabbed out the butter from the fridge. I put coffee grounds in the coffee maker and switched it on.

Once I got everything on Gerard's hello kitty plate and my regular white one and all the pans in the dishwasher I set the table and poured coffee in Gerard's Black Flag mug and some in my Johnny Cash mug.

Gerard came out of the shower and walk in our bedroom. He came back out to the kitchen with one of my Jawbreaker shirts and no pants.

He smiled at the pink eggs and toast put on his hello kitty plate. I smiled and sat down as Gerard took his plate and coffee cup and set it across the table next to mine plate. He jumped in my lap and kissed my cheek.

"Thank you Daddy." Gerard said.

After breakfast Gerard told me it was Saturday so that meant no school. So, I let Gerard's pink play blanket down on the floor of the living room so Gerard could color and play. I sat on the sofa glancing at Gerard while I got on my phone.

I saw Gerard lye on his tummy while he colored, in a new pair of panties I got him yesterday. It was the all lace pink ones, Gerard's ass looked so great in them.

"D-Daddy!" Gerard yelled as I snapped out of my thoughts.

"What?" I asked seeing Gerard blushed and frown.

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