Choke Me Daddy

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I settled in the a bubble bath with Gerard in my lap, playing with bath crayons.

I read 'Daddy + Gee' on the bathroom wall and smiled.

"Daddy!" Gerard whined.

"Yes princess?" I asked rubbing Gerard's back.

"Daddy how come you're don't go to collage?" Gerard asked laying down on my chest.

"Well I dropped out, don't really want to go back." We did have the money, but I can't just quit my job.

"Do I have to get a job Daddy?" Gerard pounder and looked up at me.

"No, you can do whatever you like." I told him, we had plenty of money for Gerard to do whatever.

"Want to draw Daddy pictures all day!" Gerard cheered and curled closer.

"I love you baby boy." I said.

I rubbed his stomach and he tensed up.

"You're beautiful." Gerard relax again and hummed.

After the bath Gerard and I went out for Starbucks.

I ordered a coffee frap for Gerard and a black coffee for me. Gerard picked out a booth for us to sit in. He smiled in his cute skirt and knees socks, as I set down our orders and slid next to him.

"Thank you daddy." Gerard said and sucks on his straw.

"What's my little plum wanna do today?" I asked sipping my coffee.

"Can we go to the book store?" Gerard asked.

"Of course baby, what's my baby want at the book store?" I asked.

"Coloring books!" Gerard cheered and grab my free hand.

"Okay baby." I agreed.

We drove to the nearest book store that happened to be a block away, but like hell I'm walking.

"Oh my gosh Frankie lookie!" Gerard gushed and shoved a princess coloring book and a hello kitty coloring book, both with stickers in my face.

"Frankie can I have them please?" Gerard whined and pouted.

"Of course princess." I smiled.

Gerard squealed and hugged me.

"Daddy whatca looking for?" Gerard whispered as I thumbed threw some vinyls and CD's.

"Daddy is looking for, oh! Fuck yeah found it." I pulled out the Disintegration album by The Cure on CD.

"Daddy said a naughty word." Gerard giggled.

"Okay are you ready baby boy?" I asked taking his hand.

Gerard nodded and bit his lip.

We drove home listening to my new CD as Gerard put princess stickers in the inside of my audi 6.

I sighed I loved my car, but I really loved Gerard. Once we got home I managed to get a few hello kitty stickers stuck on my face.

I sat down on our sofa and deicide to just watch TV as Gerard played.

"Daddy is mine!!" Gerard declared as he put another hello kitty sticker on me.

I smiled at him then looked back at the TV.

I heard Gerard huff and I looked, seeing his arms crossed over his chest.

"What's up princess?" I asked looking back to the show I was watching.

Gerard didn't response he only got quiet.

Gerard launch himself in my lap and bit down my my arm.

"Ow, what Gerard?" I snapped.

He huffed again.

"Why is kitty acting up?" I asked.

"Pay attention to me!" He whined and curled close to my chest.

The stab of guilt hit me as I sighed and started running my fingers threw Gerard's hair.

Gerard grabbing my free hand and took my thumb in his mouth.

I looked down at Gerard see his eyes flutter close and he sucked on my thumb.

"Is my little princess tired?" I asked.

Gerard nodded and sighed. I smiled and relaxed getting ready for a nap.

I woke up later with a automatic moan. I feel something hot and wet on my cock and I looked down seeing Gerard suck on the head of my dick.

"Fuck Gerard." I moaned and laced my fingers threw his hair as he sunk down. Once my head hit the back of his throat he moaned.

"Gerard oh my god, Gerard stop please daddy needs to fuck you." I said.

Gerard slipped off his panties but left his skirt on.

"Fuck come here sit on daddy's cock." Gerard obey gave me a peck on the lips before he started to sink down on me.

"Baby you sure you don't want any lube?" I asked.

"No daddy I just want you." Gerard said as he went further.

"Fuck baby you're so fucking tight." I hissed as Gerard whimpered unable to sink down any further, barely half in.

"Daddy please just fuck me." Gerard begged.

I grab his hips and pushed him down until my whole cock was inside him.

"Daddy! R-Right there oh my god." Gerard panted.

I smiled and pushed Gerard's hips up and down along with my thrusts, hitting his prostate every time.

"Daddy please my princess parts." He whimpered.

"Fuck baby cum without any touching, just daddy's cock in your tight hole." I said and slammed Gerard's hips down

"Daddy!" Gerard screamed as he started to claw at my neck.

"Daddy please c-can you choke me?" He asked as I pushed him back down again.

I smirked at grabbed Gerard's neck, squeezing letting no air into his lungs.

He slammed back down on me and came right then in his skirt.
I sight made me cum deep down into Gerard with a low moan.

I let go of Gerard's neck and he slumped against me.

"D-Daddy, I'm hungry." Gerard said and laid his head in the crook of my neck.

"Okay baby daddy will make you food just give him a second." I sighed.

Gerard was just so filled with energy I wonder how he does it.

Hey guys I'm sorry this took so long, but here you go! I updated just for gerardsdaddy thank you guys for reading, 3k reads??? Thank you guys so much!! I promise I love this fic and it will end up like 5 thousand chapter bc I won't want to end it.

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