Daddy Is A Bear

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Gerard's POV

Since I've been done with school I think Daddy has been getting so used to having me around I'm not the center of attention anymore. You know like I'm here all the time and he just is getting so comfortable with it.

Bottom line is I'm not getting enough attention.

It's just now getting to me.

I sunk into the sofa while Daddy started on dinner.

What did I do? Why isn't Daddy paying attention to me?

Because I was a bad boy.

I wasn't a good boy so Daddy pushed me away.

I was stupid, of course he didn't want me. Who would want me?

I sniffled and got off the sofa as Daddy cooked.

I walked down the hall into my room. Daddy didn't even ask where I was going.

I wasn't a good boy.

That's all I could think.

I let out a soft sob once I closed the door. I looked at my bed then the floor.

Bad boys don't get blankies and cuddles.

I let the tears flow as I sat down on the floor next to my bed I laid down and curled up into a ball.

I cried into my hands trying to cover up my sobs. I looked down at my skirt and knee socks.

I'm ugly and fat. Daddy deserves a pretty princess, not a fat ugly bad boy.

I felt like my heart was splitting in half. I'm a bad boy.

"Gerard?" Daddy opened the door.

"No! Leave me alone." I whimpered.

"Baby, why are you crying?" Daddy asked kneeling down next to me.

"I'm a bad boy." I mumbled.

"You're a what?"

"I'm a bad boy! Bad boys don't get Daddy attention o-or beds and cuddles!" I cried.

"Baby, oh baby Daddy's so sorry please sit up." Daddy pleaded.

I bit my lip and sat up.

"What's the matter? Come on off the floor." Daddy said and sat on my bed.

I stood up and tried to wipe my tears away with my sweater sleeve.

"Come here sit on Daddy's lap, princess." I cringed, but obeyed Daddy.

"I'm not a princess." I mumbled and looked down. Anywhere, but Daddy's eyes.

"Why do you say that?" He asked rubbing my back.

"Because princesses are p-pretty... I'm not pretty Daddy I'm a fat bad boy." I felt tears roll down my cheeks.

"Baby, you're so beautiful. You don't even know, you always stun me. Even after years of being with you, you're the prettiest thing Daddy has ever seen. You've got chub, but you know daddy loves you're cute thighs. You're a very good boy, all the time for daddy." He sighed and pulled me into a embrace.
"I love you, my pretty princess, my good boy, mine." Daddy whispered as he rocked me in his lap side to side.

"Daddy what did I do then?" I asked.

"What do you mean plum?" Daddy pulled away and twirled my hair.

"I-I don't get Daddy's attention as much." I mumbled looking away.

"I'm sorry baby, Daddy loves you. Daddy has just been busy, he loves his baby boy so much. I promise I'll give you even more attention than before okay?" I nodded and nervously kissed his cheek.

"Daddy I love you." I smiled.

"I love you too princess." Daddy smiled back at me.

I giggled and cupped Daddy's cheek.

"Daddy's a bear." I giggled and felt daddy's scruff with the pad of my thumb.

"I know daddy hasn't shaved in a while, he'll do it tomorrow." He sighed.

"No! Keep it, it's hot." I blushed.

"I'm a bear." He laughed.

"A hot bear." I mumbled and pecked his lips.

"Okay baby bear let's go eat." Daddy said.

"Wait I like this." I smiled and continued to feel Daddy's scruff.

"Come on pumpkin, time for dinner." Daddy lifted me off his lap and on my feet.

"Oh pumpkin, that reminds me what are we going to do for you're birthday." I giggled and grabbed Daddy's hand.

"That's not until like 3 months away silly." He chuckled.

"It's spooky ween time Daddy, I feel it."

I know I suck at updating and this is short, but I'll try and give you smut next chapter. Thank you guys for reading. I KNOW I KNOW this is super short, but I felt like writing only this so I'm sorry, but please love me. Also I love it when you guys comment please keep doing that.

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