Stuffies Are Very Important Daddy

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Frank's POV

It was Friday and I had just picked up Gerard from school since I had today off. We had just gotten home we were going to Gerard's parents house for the weekend and we were at home packing, since we had been putting it off all week.

"Daddy I need other bag." Gerard mumbled as I look at the purple and pink princess bag that was zipped up on my bed.

"What? What's in that one?" I asked I unzipped it and was hit in the face with stuffed animals.

"Daddy!! Gosh now it's going to take me forever to zip that back up!" Gerard whined.

I looked at my bed and the ground and there was stuffed animals everywhere. All of Gerard's I think.

"Gerard you can't take all your stuffed animals!" I said and sighed as Gerard's bottom lip wobbled.

"But Daddy!! Its a whole weekend they might get lonely!!! Daddy that can't happen..w-what if Kiki tries to cook and burns the house down?" Gerard picks up a purple rabbit he was referring to and clutches on to it as he counties to pout.

"Princess, no." I said as Gerard's eyes get teary.

I sighed.

"They won't get lonely silly, they will all have each other you can leave your board games out for all of them to play. Tell them they aren't allowed to try and cook, they will be fine princess." I walked to Gerard and give him a kiss on the forehead.

"P-Promise?" Gerard asks.

"Promise." I said as Gerard giggles and starts to pick up all his stuffed animals and takes them out of the room. I smile and countie to pack. Gerard comes back, giggly and kisses my cheek.
"I love you Daddy." Gerard blushes.

"I love you too princess."

Finally we both got packed and was out of the door. Gerard managed to bring Morrissey along, which I couldn't say no to.

Gerard changed strangely into his pink overalls, a white shirt and his baby blue socks and his white converse.

Maybe he never wore skirts around them? No wait he wore skirts all the time in highschool. Maybe I should ask him, no maybe its personal I don't want to upset him. No what if he's upset now? I'm supposed to know if he's upset. Okay, but one of out rules is tell Daddy if your upset. Maybe he isn't maybe he just wanted to change out of school clothes...? Yeah that's it.

"Daddy stop daydreaming you are going to crash the car." Gerard rolled his eyes and I stared.

"What?" He asked. I shook my head and narrowed my eyes on the road.

Once we got there Gerard's dad helped us with our bags.

"So did Gerard try and bring all his stuffed animals?" Donald asked.

"Yes." I laughed.

"Frankie!! Mom made cookies!!" Gerard squeaked and he took a bite into one. I look at Gerard's mom and she sighed.

"I'm sorry I tried to hide them before you boys got here." She smiles.

"Hey we're going to eat dinner soon so only that one and after dinner you can have more, okay?" I said as Gerard rolled his eyes.

"Okay." He groaned but kissed my cheek at ran upstairs.

"He doesn't even bother to help." Donald laughs as we take the bags upstairs.


"Okay Frank so you and Gerard will stay in Gerard's old room. His bed is pretty big so you two should be fine." Donald says as he sets down the bags on the bed next to Gerard. I smile and set my bags on the floor.

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