Princess Gee is Spoiled

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Frank's POV

Gerard and I got ice cream on the way home. Gerard was so happy and bubbly, as usually. But I had remembered the pretty pastel pink panties with white lace that I had gotten him though. I few other pairs, some just all lace and some not.

"Daddy when we get home we need to eat." Gerard mubbles.

"Is my little princess hungry?" I look over and see Gerard's puppy pout face that makes me melt.

"Mmhhm" Gerard hums.

"Okay princess Daddy will make you some dinosaurs chicken nuggets?" I ask as Gerard's eyes sparkle. He nods quickly. I turn down our neighbourhood.

"With some mac and cheese and green beans on the side?" Gerard bites his lip and nods again.

"Okay princess."

Gerard's POV

Daddy carried the bags inside and I took mine with the outfit I had bought before Daddy could.

I ran to our apartment door and pull out my key from my book bag and unlock the door. I giggled and left the door open for Daddy. I ran to our bedroom and pulled off all my clothes expect the white lace underwear I had on. I slipped on the tutu, then the top and looked in the mirror.

Daddy is going to love this.

I ran to back out into the hall way finding Daddy cooking dinner with the bags set off next to the front door.

"Daddy?" I said timedly as daddy turned around and grined.

"Princess that looks so cute on you." Daddy smiled as he put something in the microwave.

"After you've ate Daddy will show you what I've got for you, princess." Daddy said.

"Okay Daddy when's food done?" I asked as Daddy smiles and walks over to me to kiss my cheek.

"Daddy's working on it why don't you go put on a show or something on the TV, kitten?" Daddy said as he squeezed my bum, I blushed and jump on the sofa.

I kicked my feet as I looked for something to watch on Netflix.
I put on 'How I Met Your Mother' because I know Daddy likes it and he deserves to watch something he likes, I'm so proud of Daddy getting a job. 

"Okay princess here you go." Daddy said as he set down my hello kitty plate with dinosaur shaped chicken nuggets, green bean and mac and cheese. Daddy treats me so well.

"Thank you Daddy!!" I cheer as he sits next to me with vegetarian tacos on his big boy plate.
We set our plates on our coffee table in front of the TV and sit on the floor.

"Why this show?" Daddy asked as he pulled my closer with his arms around my waist.

"D-Don't you like it?" I ask as daddy nods.

" I do princess I just didn't think you did." I shake my head and kiss daddy's cheek.

Frank's POV

After an episode of How I Met Your Mother Gerard and I finish eating. I put all the plates in the dishwasher and let Gerard take the bags into the bedroom to look. I told him to put on one outfit for me and show me.

I knew he would take a long time so I cleaned up some of his toys and stuffies off the ground and put them in the toy box by the TV. Once I was finished I sat down on the sofa.

20 minutes went by and Gerard came out with the pastel pink panties and corset with white knees socks. He held his collar and his leash in his mouth and dropped them in my lap.

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