This Fucker is Cute

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Frank's POV

Oh god.

Oh fuck, I was mean. I was a total asshole.

Fuck, I had never seen Gerard do that before. He never talked back and yelled at me.

I made him so mad. God I'm such an asshole. I don't deserve him.

I need to make this right-I need to go.


I knew exactly what to do.

I picked up the car keys and ran out the door.

I needed to make this right.

I stopped at the parking lot with all the shopping centers across from the record store.

I saw people selling kittens this morning when I went into work. I hope they had some left.

I saw the sign that had 'kittens' in big bold letters and parked next to the van with the sign.

"Excuse me, I was wondering if you had any cats left, I saw you were selling this morning." I asked a older lady sitting in a lawn chair next to the van.

"You're lucky, We've only got one left." She smiled at me and pointed at the box in the back of the van.

"Thank you." I smiled sweetly at her.

I walked over to the box to see the only little cat she was talking about.

A little light grey tabby was stretching.

Okay I'm not much of a cat person, but this ones adorable.

"Hey there little guy." I smiled down at him and lightly petted him.

He meowed so timmedly at me and pawed at my hand.

Damnit this fucker was cute.

"You want him?" The older lady appeared again and asked.

"Yes please, how much?"

"He's free, take him." She smiled.

"Thank you so much." I said and gently picked him up.

"He's old enough to eat regular cat food, but I wouldn't let him outside yet." She said as she petted him in my arms.

"Okay thank you." I said and walked back to my car.

"Okay little guy you're coming home with me." I said as I set him in the front seat.

"Here I'll wrap you up in this." I smiled as I pulled off my flannel laying it under the cat.

He only meowed lightly in response.

I drove back to the house, very carefully making sure not to hurt or scare the cat.

He didn't seemed to mind the car ride, He just sat down and purred.

It's also a boy, I checked.

I parked in our apartment parking lot and scooped him up along with my flannel.

I would have gotten cat food, but I had been gone a while, and I'm sure it wouldn't hurt him to eat some dinosaurs chicken nuggets tonight.

I folded my flannel over him so I could surprise Gerard.

I unlocked our door to find Gerard on out sofa coloring.

"F-Frank?" He looked like he had still been crying.

"Okay before you say anything let me just say, I was a dick, a total fucking dick. I was a meanie head and you can hit me and call me names, because I deserve it. But I love you Gerard I do, and I'm sorry for the way I acted."

Gerard only nodded in response.

"You were a dick, but I love you, and I'm sorry I called you names, and... yelled at you." He stood up walking over to me looking down at his feet. "I forgive you." He mumbled as he smiled up at me.

"I don't deserve you." I said and kisses his cheek gently.

"Here." I smiled and handed Gerard the cat.

"Your flannel?" He raised and eyebrow at me.

I rolled my eyes and lifted the flannel off of the cat.

"Oh my god Daddy! It's a kitty!" He smiled at me.

"It's your kitty, baby." I chuckled and handed him the cat.

"Daddy it's so cute!" He cheered as he picked him up gently.

"It's a boy and he's all yours now." I said and kissed Gerard's head.

"Daddy! Daddy! His name is Mitch! Mitchy the kitty!" Gerard giggled as he played with the cat.

"I love you baby boy." I said and ran my fingers through Gerard's hair.

He smiled and pecked me on the lips.

"I love you too... butt head."

i hope you guys liked these short chapters, please feel free to comment me ideas or send me messages. also! for any of you bottom frank fans. i have a daddy gerard fic on ao3 called Daddy's Little Boy by ieroglitter... you guys should read it. im gonna get back to writing so stay tuned i guess.-xoxoh

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